TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Who's your ideal TV boyfriend?
Found this fun little quiz at Night Is Half Gone... (a terrific site you should check often!). Turns out my ideal TV boyfriend is a hottie on a crappy show!! Woohoo!! Certainly explains my love life to a T!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Supreme Beings of Pleasure
There was a time when I used to drop tons of money at the music store. I would normally be at Tower or Sam Goody's etc on Tuesdays when new music came out, and then again on the weekend to load up on songs I had thought of during the week. Then along came Napster- and I became the Quincy Jones of downloading. Screw paying ten bucks for a cd with ONE song that was half decent. I was stoked- I could pick and choose the songs and artists that would be on my discs. I still do this, but I often miss the ALBUM- the artists story told in sequence. I used to love it when I couldn't pick a favorite song- just let it play beginning to end and repeat. Albums like APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION, PURPLE RAIN, THE CHRONIC, LIKE A PRAYER, BACK IN BLACK, etc. That being said- let me share my latest find.
I found this first video by Supreme Beings of Leisure on a friends blog and loved the song so much I bought (gasp) their new album that night. As described on the label's site:
"Supreme Beings of Leisure released their third album this week, the enchanting 11i. The album's 11 songs take you through a day in the life of the protagonist, from "The Light" to "Lay Me Down". Loungey, sexy, atmospheric... this is the album to take you away."
I couldn't agree more- I have been hypnotized by this album. And as my friend wrote on his blog- I definitely will be fucking to this cd!!
Unfortunately, there aren't any videos for the new album out yet- but you can check the band and tunes out at their . But for now- enjoy "Strangelove Addiction" and "Never The Same" from their 2000 debut- followed by the sampler for their latest! And as a bonus- their beautiful remix of The Bee Gees!!!!
Let me know what you think!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Now- to be perfectly up front with y'all- I am not, nor have I ever been a big NBA fan. Hell- other than watching the beautiful swimmers and others during the Olympics- I really don't watch any sports at all. Despite not following any of it, like most other pop culture whores- I know who most of the bigger names in sports are and have those that I enjoy outside the arena. One athlete that I have always been tickled by is Charles Barkley. I love anyone who says whatever is on their mind- even when I don't agree, I respect the fact that it's just one person's opinion. If they happen to be able to shoot off their opinion with a little wit- even better! For a while, it seemed like Charles was just saying shit to provoke people, no real reason to weigh in on things- just stirring it a bit. But hell- they kept putting a microphone in front of him so why not? Charles is in New Orleans right now, along with many of his NBA buddies for the All-Star Game and the weekend festivities. For some reason, Wolf Blitzer had him on "The Situation Room" and the Presidential race came up. Once again, Mr. Barkley did not disappoint, and shared his thoughts on the candidates, the current state of the major parties, the religious right, and more:
How fun!!! For kicks, I hunted down some of his more colorful quotes:
After initially making light of Magic Johnson's HIV status, Charles had this to say when asked if he was concerned while playing against Magic- "We're just playing basketball. It's not like we're going out to have unprotected sex with Magic."
"I had to explain to my daughter why that skank Monica Lewinski has an hour special on HBO this weekend." (No explanation necessary there hehe!)
On endorsements: These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it.
How fun!!! For kicks, I hunted down some of his more colorful quotes:
After initially making light of Magic Johnson's HIV status, Charles had this to say when asked if he was concerned while playing against Magic- "We're just playing basketball. It's not like we're going out to have unprotected sex with Magic."
"I had to explain to my daughter why that skank Monica Lewinski has an hour special on HBO this weekend." (No explanation necessary there hehe!)
On endorsements: These are my new shoes. They're good shoes. They won't make you rich like me, they won't make you rebound like me, they definitely won't make you handsome like me. They'll only make you have shoes like me. That's it.
Friday, February 15, 2008
It's that time of year again!!!
Check out this Webpage!
That's right folks- it's that time of year again! Now before anyone cries foul because I have pretty much kept my head shaved since last year- come on now- were you really donating just because of my hairstyle (or lack of one hehehe)? But to keep in the spirit of things- I have not been shorn since Mardi Gras (it realllllllly helps get beads!) and will not so much as pluck a gray before the event! I will be posting pictures daily of the "growth" but in the meantime- DIG DEEP! I am low balling my goal, but hope to increase it as we close in on the big day!! Make me proud once again my friends!
***Please pass this along - Hell, make it viral!! And just to sweeten the deal- anyone who donates AND comes to the shaving on 3/14/08- gets to drink with me and quite probably get a kiss or two!!!! How about that?! Hmmm- maybe I should contact the New Orleans Tourism Board...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Break out the Panty Shield!!!
I just read that they are going to be bringing the now canceled tv show "Noah's Arc" to the big screen!!! Personally, I thought the show was pretty shitty- but the EYE CANDY has me moist just remembering it! My plan is to bring my Ipod to the theater, put on the playlist I listen to when I watch "How Stella Got Her Groove Back", or "Meet Joe Black", or any Chris Evans film- and ennnnnjoyyy the ride hehehe! So screw a trailer- enjoy all of the yummy Darryl Stephens you can find!!
You know the drill...
Some of my favorite romantic tunes for your enjoyment- since I am sure that by this afternoon- I will have received enough "Happy V Day" text messages to make me hunt down "Love Stinks" hehe!
To start- one of my allllllllll time favorites!!
Followed closely by this song- the happiest love song that I know!!
And the incomparable Teddy P.!
To start- one of my allllllllll time favorites!!
Followed closely by this song- the happiest love song that I know!!
And the incomparable Teddy P.!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Keepin It Real
I probably shouldn't be sharing my secrets- but if Martha Stewart and Oprah can show you how to live- why can't Andrew?! Just watch the progression of the first few photos- you see that pink boa in the first shot? This is like one of those Marlon Perkins Wild Kingdom specials- I saw that boa, and I knew it was going to be mine! I had Jenni save the moment in pictures- all for your enjoyment!! While you digest that- just think- this first set of pictures only represents about 30 minutes of Fat Tuesday- now you KNOW, this here Damn Yankee, has more to share!!!

GREAT song- TRAGIC video
"She's Gone" by Hall & Oates is one of my favorite pop/soul/rock/r&b songs of all time. The smooth harmonies they are famous for just lend to my ear in this one big time- one of the few of their songs that John Oates (the brunette) handles lead vocals on, and does it well. So why such a horrible video? I know it was early in the days of actually making videos, being released in 1973- but shit- Darryl Hall looks pre-op, and John Oates looks post-op- if the op in his case is a lobotomy. And what's with the clown dressed as the devil that walks by when they say "I'd pay the Devil to replace her..."?! It's like it was directed by a first grade class- who phoned it in!!! You be the judge- and then watch how it should be shown in the cover by Tavares!!
Dancing at work- New (at least to me) dance pop!!!
Let me know what you think!!
Ok- this first video- the debut single from the Dead Wasps totally kicks ass! Now tell me how crappy their publicist is- it was posted a little over a year ago- and the view count is under 600?! WTF? Am I missing something here? You decide:
I probably should be saving this next one for Valentines Day- it's by The Lovemakers- but I can't wait! I have been bugging the shite out of poor Amanda here at the office with this tune on repeat. I have always been a big fan of shaking that ass- so any song that urges it, and with a fun beat, is a winner in my book:
How much am I loving this next song by The Ting Tings?! A totally simple song- that has wormed its way into my crevices!!! Enjoy- in the same way that you may repeat- ella ella ellla a a a - you get the point!!
Ok- this first video- the debut single from the Dead Wasps totally kicks ass! Now tell me how crappy their publicist is- it was posted a little over a year ago- and the view count is under 600?! WTF? Am I missing something here? You decide:
I probably should be saving this next one for Valentines Day- it's by The Lovemakers- but I can't wait! I have been bugging the shite out of poor Amanda here at the office with this tune on repeat. I have always been a big fan of shaking that ass- so any song that urges it, and with a fun beat, is a winner in my book:
How much am I loving this next song by The Ting Tings?! A totally simple song- that has wormed its way into my crevices!!! Enjoy- in the same way that you may repeat- ella ella ellla a a a - you get the point!!
Since it is almost Valentines Day...
Despite the fact that I only had a boyfriend on Valentines Day once in my life (who totally dropped the ball romance wise), I have always loved February 14th. Not for the lovey dovey shite, but for the best present I ever received- my lovely niece Meghan was born on February 14, 1993! Which, for all of you mathematicians out there, means that my darling Meg is going to be 15 tomorrow! I can't even begin to tell you how freaked out I am that she is freaking 15!!! And my fragile state of mind and age complex is nothing compared to my sisters! Turns out that for Meg's B-day present- she is going to Driver's Ed!!!! In honor of my sister- or more like out of deference to her- I will not be dedicating any Sammy Hagar tunes, but rather my favorite song to mention driving. There are several note worthy versions of this song- but in my humble opinion- Cyndi own's it- sorry Roy and Celine- but you all have other landmarks!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Getting ready for Idol
Friday, February 8, 2008
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Blog Archive
- Who's your ideal TV boyfriend?
- Supreme Beings of Pleasure
- Lovely
- It's that time of year again!!!
- No title
- Break out the Panty Shield!!!
- You know the drill...
- Keepin It Real
- GREAT song- TRAGIC video
- Dancing at work- New (at least to me) dance pop!!!
- Since it is almost Valentines Day...
- Getting ready for Idol
- I'm pretty sure they don't understand the lyrics!

- Angel with a crooked halo
- new orleans, LA, United States
- Proof that my inner child has been running the show all along. ***If there is a song or video on here you would like me to remove, please email me!