TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Friday, February 9, 2007
The worst president ever is at least consistent!!!
Bush Calls for Propaganda Surge, Slashes PBS
The latest twist of Bush's budgetary knife lays bare the White House's information priority: Fake news trumps real reporting.
Out of his depth
George W. Bush is trying—yet again—to smother NPR, PBS and other public broadcasting while at the same forcing an escalation (sorry "surge') in funding for propaganda.
The president's proposed fiscal year 2008 budget for "U.S. international broadcasting" calls for an overall increase of 3.8% from the last year's recommendation.
All told the budget calls for $668.2 million for the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the federal agency that supervises all US government non-military propaganda.
Journalism Slash and Burn
At the same time Bush's budget proposes steep cuts to federal funds for public broadcasting by nearly 25%. According to the Association of Public Television Stations, the Bush budget would cut up to $145 million from the $460 million proposed FY 2008 budget for the Corporation of Public Broadcasting.
The amount allocated to the BBG is a 3.8 percent increase from the agency's 2007 budget with monies specifically "targeted to the war on terror." These tax dollars would flow to government mouthpieces including the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Alhurra, Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting.
According to a BBG release: "The budget also fully funds initiatives … to critical Muslim audiences. These include the expansion of VOA television to Iran to a 12 hour stream, VOA Pashto radio programming to the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region, television programs to Afghanistan and Pakistan and Alhurra Europe, the 24/7 service to Arabic speakers in Europe."
Taxpayer money well spent?
Measure the overwhelming public support for funding of public broadcasting against their growing dissatisfaction with the war effort. According to a 2005 Roper poll, 82% of Americans believe that taxpayer funding given to PBS is "money well spent". A recent AP-Ipsos poll counts 62% of Americans who now think that going to war in Iraq was a mistake.
Bush proposed cuts to public broadcasting will have "Sesame Street" and other ad-free kids' shows are under the knife. So is the watchdog journalism, critical voices and diverse fare that PBS, NPR and other public media offer. The cuts continue the partisan war on journalism once led by the ex-chair of public broadcasting, Ken Tomlinson. (Remember him?)
It's now up to Congress to set the budget right and restore funding to media that more accurately represents the public's priorities. You can help.
***I am horrible at linking- but that article came from
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
LOVE this dude's work!
Does the H in HRC stand for Humorless?
Yet again I have to face the fact that anytime you need a group, committee, or council to accomplish something, you are screwed. The HRC or Human Rights Campaign is- according to their own press: "America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against GLBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all." In other words another watchdog group out there among the many. And while I know that they have done many worthwhile things and take up causes that are not always popular- I continually scratch my head at some of their bullshit. For example- they have sent out a press release condemning the following Snickers commercial that aired during the Super Bowl. Admittedly, I did not watch the Super Bowl, and only heard about this commercial on the radio this morning. Let's get real- the commercial is funny! I know the HRC refers to alternate endings in their condemnation, but isn't there ANY other issue that they could devote their energies to out there? I have contributed to the HRC in the past, and probably will again- but come on?! Recently my roommate asked if I would be willing to volunteer my time for this organization and I said yes. Crap like this make me recall why I stopped helping the HRC in the past. A bunch of bitter queens looking for ways to kiss each other's asses and bemoan being called "Queer" in High School. Let's all move on!
Take him back!!!! We DON"T want him anyway!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Rock and Roll!!!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Guest! One of the leading talents behind Spinal Tap, A Mighty Wind, Best in Show, etc. turns 59 today! So in his honor I am posting one of my favorite parts from Spinal Tap. Anytime I am in a parking garage, or back staircase of some building- I immediately yell "Rock and Roll!!"
Oh My Root!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
What a riot!
I know that it is soooooooo wrong to be ripping on a thirteen year old girl- unless you are a thirteen year old girl- but this is way too funny. So while I piece together the whole Krewe Du Vieux night- belly laughs from an unlikely source. While it feels like I have disliked Saturday Night Live for longer than I ever enjoyed it. No skin off my ass- I'm rarely around when it's on so I'm not offended by it on a weekly basis. But then they do something like this which brought out more belly laughs than anything I have seen on the show for the past five years!
Friday, February 2, 2007
Here's to good karma- I think that is what this is hehe
Where would you wear this?!
Comic Reviews for week of January 31, 2007
A few of the books that I read this week:

Teen Titans #43
The long awaited "Teen Titans East" began with this issue. I have to say that as much as I was anticipating this months Titans- the announcement that writer Geoff Johns, and artist Tony Daniel would be leaving the title at the end of this arc made it a bittersweet one. Johns, the writer of the title since it's relaunch in 2003 has made it one of my favorite titles each month. Whenever it comes out it is generally the first read of the week. Tony Daniels, as well, deserves major kudos for all he has done with the team.
Now to the meat of the issue- a well planned sneak attack takes the team totally off guard. Cassie, Tim, and Raven are in Tim's underground "Robin Cave" discussing Conner when Robin and Raven are knocked out. The attacker taunts Cassie and reveals himself to be Inertia- the anti-Impulse clone from the 31st century. He is quickly joined by Match- the new Bizarro-ish clone of Superboy. Cassie is shocked and taken out. Jump to Cyborg and Ms. Martian- they are at a metahuman detention facility to extract information from Bombshell. As Ms. Martian begins her mind probe she discovers that Bombshell is a member of a Titans team- albeit a team with a very different agenda. Just as they are about to find out more about this team- they arrive- but not to rescue Bombshell- to silence her. Batgirl , who we haven't seen since her unfounded turn to the dark side assault on Robin, leaps into the room and slit's Bombshell's throat. Hell then breaks loose when the prisoners at the facility are released and our heroes are subdued. The issue ends with two reveals- this anti-Titans East team has been assembled by Deathstroke and that he has been drugging Cassandra in order to control her.
This was a good issue- kinda jumped around a bit- but still managed to kick off this storyline with a punch. I am anxious to see how this all unfolds over the next three issues. In addition, it makes me really look forward the WWIII issues that promise to show how Slade first captured Cassandra. There have been hints that one of the members of Slade's Titans will turn traitor- will it be Cassandra? Is Batgirl just pretending this drug is working? We shall see as Deathstroke's plan of revenge plays out!! Definitely my favorite read this week!

52 week 39
52, DC's weekly series chronicling the aftermath of Infinite Crisis, and the missing year for all of the OYL titles has been surprisingly good. The last few weeks- as we begin the third and final act- have been excellent. The gradual build up of multiple storylines has been very entertaining, but as more and more is revealed it is quickly becoming "fasten your seatbelts" time.
This week we see Luthor beat the piss out of Natasha as we all discover that he was indeed a candidate for his Everyman project. The good Dr. Dennis has been hiding his status with falsified reports. Just as Natasha seems to put it all together to report back to Steel- she is horrified to discover several truths. The stomp is set on her and it does not look good for Ms. Irons.
Meanwhile in the dysfunctional Black Adam family- Osiris is consumed with guilt over his recent kill during the attack by the Suicide Squad. As Adam and Isis discuss his situation with Sobek there is a loud boom overhead and the "Garden of Isis" begins to die. The boom? What could it be? Read on!
The war machine is definitely cranked on the mad scientist island. The Four Horsemen use a Boom Tube to begin their treachery. Sivana discusses his recent time experiments and talks to Dr. Time about missing time and Mr. Mind. Then we see an exchange between Morrow and Magnus where Morrow warns the good doctor about the Metal Men reappearing- Magnus dispatches Morrow with news of Red Tornado. After he leaves we get a glimpse of our old buddy Mercury- in miniature- that hints at the return of all Metal Men. Since we have seen them in the first issue of the JLA One Year Later- this has been expected.
The other storyline featured this week leaves one with some questions- nothing new for 52! Ralph and the Helmet of Fate journey to Atlantis as part of their strange voyage. They arrive at a shattered kingdom and encounter a dissheveled and confused Aquaman. Ralph certainly recognizes his former teammate- but the Helmet does not. Odd since the Helmet should have much knowledge and has partnered with Arthur many times. This is obviously setting up more about Aquaman's fate to be shown in WWIII.
All in all another entertaining week - this series has exceeded my expectations and is totally hitting it out of the park.

That's about it for reviews- I really enjoyed Blue Beetle #11- this has been a good series and I hope it has legs. Metron's role certainly goes right in line with other Kirby hints in the DCU. The cancellation of Firestorm and other revamped characters has put the longevity of this title in question.

I also picked up several recent X-men issues- but haven't finished reading them yet. The artwork was the draw for them and I am not all that familiar with recent events. If I have any down time this weekend I will pour through them. I grabbed the Ms. Marvel special as I like the character- but was unimpressed with this one shot. Decent art, but rotten story- definitely my waste of money for the week!
Next week we have Nightwing, Outsiders, Supergirl, 52, New Avengers, and some Superman titles to look forward to- so until then!
Teen Titans #43
The long awaited "Teen Titans East" began with this issue. I have to say that as much as I was anticipating this months Titans- the announcement that writer Geoff Johns, and artist Tony Daniel would be leaving the title at the end of this arc made it a bittersweet one. Johns, the writer of the title since it's relaunch in 2003 has made it one of my favorite titles each month. Whenever it comes out it is generally the first read of the week. Tony Daniels, as well, deserves major kudos for all he has done with the team.
Now to the meat of the issue- a well planned sneak attack takes the team totally off guard. Cassie, Tim, and Raven are in Tim's underground "Robin Cave" discussing Conner when Robin and Raven are knocked out. The attacker taunts Cassie and reveals himself to be Inertia- the anti-Impulse clone from the 31st century. He is quickly joined by Match- the new Bizarro-ish clone of Superboy. Cassie is shocked and taken out. Jump to Cyborg and Ms. Martian- they are at a metahuman detention facility to extract information from Bombshell. As Ms. Martian begins her mind probe she discovers that Bombshell is a member of a Titans team- albeit a team with a very different agenda. Just as they are about to find out more about this team- they arrive- but not to rescue Bombshell- to silence her. Batgirl , who we haven't seen since her unfounded turn to the dark side assault on Robin, leaps into the room and slit's Bombshell's throat. Hell then breaks loose when the prisoners at the facility are released and our heroes are subdued. The issue ends with two reveals- this anti-Titans East team has been assembled by Deathstroke and that he has been drugging Cassandra in order to control her.
This was a good issue- kinda jumped around a bit- but still managed to kick off this storyline with a punch. I am anxious to see how this all unfolds over the next three issues. In addition, it makes me really look forward the WWIII issues that promise to show how Slade first captured Cassandra. There have been hints that one of the members of Slade's Titans will turn traitor- will it be Cassandra? Is Batgirl just pretending this drug is working? We shall see as Deathstroke's plan of revenge plays out!! Definitely my favorite read this week!
52 week 39
52, DC's weekly series chronicling the aftermath of Infinite Crisis, and the missing year for all of the OYL titles has been surprisingly good. The last few weeks- as we begin the third and final act- have been excellent. The gradual build up of multiple storylines has been very entertaining, but as more and more is revealed it is quickly becoming "fasten your seatbelts" time.
This week we see Luthor beat the piss out of Natasha as we all discover that he was indeed a candidate for his Everyman project. The good Dr. Dennis has been hiding his status with falsified reports. Just as Natasha seems to put it all together to report back to Steel- she is horrified to discover several truths. The stomp is set on her and it does not look good for Ms. Irons.
Meanwhile in the dysfunctional Black Adam family- Osiris is consumed with guilt over his recent kill during the attack by the Suicide Squad. As Adam and Isis discuss his situation with Sobek there is a loud boom overhead and the "Garden of Isis" begins to die. The boom? What could it be? Read on!
The war machine is definitely cranked on the mad scientist island. The Four Horsemen use a Boom Tube to begin their treachery. Sivana discusses his recent time experiments and talks to Dr. Time about missing time and Mr. Mind. Then we see an exchange between Morrow and Magnus where Morrow warns the good doctor about the Metal Men reappearing- Magnus dispatches Morrow with news of Red Tornado. After he leaves we get a glimpse of our old buddy Mercury- in miniature- that hints at the return of all Metal Men. Since we have seen them in the first issue of the JLA One Year Later- this has been expected.
The other storyline featured this week leaves one with some questions- nothing new for 52! Ralph and the Helmet of Fate journey to Atlantis as part of their strange voyage. They arrive at a shattered kingdom and encounter a dissheveled and confused Aquaman. Ralph certainly recognizes his former teammate- but the Helmet does not. Odd since the Helmet should have much knowledge and has partnered with Arthur many times. This is obviously setting up more about Aquaman's fate to be shown in WWIII.
All in all another entertaining week - this series has exceeded my expectations and is totally hitting it out of the park.
That's about it for reviews- I really enjoyed Blue Beetle #11- this has been a good series and I hope it has legs. Metron's role certainly goes right in line with other Kirby hints in the DCU. The cancellation of Firestorm and other revamped characters has put the longevity of this title in question.
I also picked up several recent X-men issues- but haven't finished reading them yet. The artwork was the draw for them and I am not all that familiar with recent events. If I have any down time this weekend I will pour through them. I grabbed the Ms. Marvel special as I like the character- but was unimpressed with this one shot. Decent art, but rotten story- definitely my waste of money for the week!
Next week we have Nightwing, Outsiders, Supergirl, 52, New Avengers, and some Superman titles to look forward to- so until then!
It's Kick Off Time (not the stupid bowl!!)
The parades and madness get off to a raucous start again this year with the Krewe du Vieux parade on Saturday night! This parade, along with the Barkus dog parade, goes through the Marigny and the French Quarter- the only two parades in New Orleans that do not follow the traditional St. Charles route.

Made up of such smaller Krewes as "The Krewe of Underwear", "The Krewe of CRUDE", "The Krewe of Drips and Discharges", and "The Krewe of LEWD"- the Krewe du Viuex parade has long been one of a very adult nature hehehe! By far the raunchiest parade of the year with most, if not all, floats having a very phallic nature. So it should go without saying that I freaking love this parade!! I was so drunk last year (it was freezing so I fought the cold with a tumbler of straight Absolut) that I lost my winter jacket at the Pub afterwards! I am totally enlisting a chaperone or four for this year!

The theme for this year's parade is "Habitat for Insanity" with celebrated local columnist Chris Rose officiating. The parade begins at 7- but I would stake out my spot early if I were you! I will hopefully be posting pictures on Sunday so keep your eyes peeled!
Made up of such smaller Krewes as "The Krewe of Underwear", "The Krewe of CRUDE", "The Krewe of Drips and Discharges", and "The Krewe of LEWD"- the Krewe du Viuex parade has long been one of a very adult nature hehehe! By far the raunchiest parade of the year with most, if not all, floats having a very phallic nature. So it should go without saying that I freaking love this parade!! I was so drunk last year (it was freezing so I fought the cold with a tumbler of straight Absolut) that I lost my winter jacket at the Pub afterwards! I am totally enlisting a chaperone or four for this year!
The theme for this year's parade is "Habitat for Insanity" with celebrated local columnist Chris Rose officiating. The parade begins at 7- but I would stake out my spot early if I were you! I will hopefully be posting pictures on Sunday so keep your eyes peeled!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Molly Ivins 1944-2007
I am so sad right now- I just found out that the incomparable Molly Ivins has just lost her battle with breast cancer. I don't even know what words to try to use to pay proper respect. To say she was one of my favorite people might not convey how much I truly enjoyed her. One of the smartest, wittiest, and unflinchingly brave women who has ever lived. "Molly Ivins Can't Say That Can She?" was one of the funniest books I have ever read. Pound for pound more laugh out loud moments than any other book before or since. She had such a wonderful way of telling a story- how else would I have ever wanted to read about Texas politics? I will miss her humor, her criticism of all things wrong, and most of all- that infectious, hearty, women shouldn't sound like that Texas laugh.
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