TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I'm in a purple mood!
Totally strange, yet enjoyable video for one of my favorite songs of all time. Didn't I just love singing the words to this song and feeling dirty when I was in 8th grade hehe!
Most things "Prince" related are hard to find on youtube- thank god for drag queens who don't really give a shit about rules like that! This is Inaya Day's version of the song, not the original by Vanity- but anything for that killer beat.
LOVVVVVVEEEE Wendy & Lisa- I used to walk around in a daze doing "Wendy?" "Yes Lisa" "Is the water warm enough?" from Computer Blue! This whole album kicked ass- surprised it didn't do better. Did you know that Wendy & Lisa are still a team and now do the score for the show Heroes?!
Monday, September 17, 2007
From the Pedo Files hehe
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Bless me Father, for I have sinned
(This is an actual priest featured here:
I sure as hell don't remember priests this hot from when I was an altar boy! If they were- no amount of interference from my mother would have kept me from those retreats at the St. Mary's Priest's Summer Camp! It always used to piss me off that all of my friends were allowed to go, but my mother refused to allow her son to spend the night under the same roof with them. At a family gathering a few years back, she defended her actions after sharing the news that Father Coughlin, the "head" priest at St. Marys- (the first church we tried to attend in Bangor, Maine) had been implicated in one of the many boy banging cases. "I had brothers who were altar boys" she explained "and there was no way in hell I was going to let you stay at that camp. It would only have been like giving permission for them to molest you. And see- I was right! Aren't you glad I forbade you now?!" "Glad? Hell no I'm not glad! I am pissed! I mean shit- I already turned out gay- at least if one of them had tried to diddle me, I'd be up for some of the Catholic Churchs illgotten gold!!!!"
Needless to say- Mom didn't appreciate my spin hehe!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Quote of the day (or more reason to hate kanye west)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Make it work...
My semi-unhealthy obsession with Tim Gunn is in overdrive right now. His new show "Tim Gunn's Guide To Style" is starting on Bravo and I am already glued. Oh! And for the chocolate covered cherry on top?! My second favorite supermodel of all time- Veronica Webb is the co-host!! I am still gushing as it is airing right now- but wanted to share some of my favorite lines so far- after all, my reason for loving both Tim and Veronica is their language. The two of them are very bright and witty and I just giggle whenever I hear them speak.
The woman they are helping on this episode dresses like an aging whore. An aging whore with bad taste. After viewing her pictures, they visit her house and are amazed at the sophistication of the decor. They are having a hard time understanding how a woman who looks like she does, has a home that is so tastefully apportioned. Tim says "This does not look like a home that she would live in?!" Veronica adds "or would be invited to..." HAHAHAHAHA! First laugh out loud moment of the season!
As she is defending all of her belongings, she gets to her purse collection. She declares that she only uses handbags. Tiny cocktail party purses. They wonder aloud how practical this is for her. Tim asks "what kind of woman uses a cocktail purse during the day? I know but I'm not saying" HAHAHAHAHAHA
I am just digging this show for all the wrong reasons...
Summers past
I found this totally cool video of Muse's "Invincible" as a theme park ride at
And it totally brought me back to my high school years and Funtown USA- the Superdrome or Thunderdrome (soooo not to be confused with either the Superdome or Thunderdome- so calm down Master/Blaster) as I always remembered it- is actually "The Astrospere" billed as: "the most exciting light show you'll ever experience. The Astrosphere combines the speed of a Scrambler Ride with a music and light show experience."
The song played in the Astrosphere is "Fire On High" by E.L.O.: Electric Light Orchestra- and has been that song since the ride was first created over 20 years ago! I love the song- it always makes me think of throwing up a little in my mouth after wolfing fried dough and stealing cigarettes. I don't know that it is the most exciting light show I have ever seen- but it is certainly one of the most memorable light shows of all time. In Saco, Maine. In the 80's. You get my point?
And it totally brought me back to my high school years and Funtown USA- the Superdrome or Thunderdrome (soooo not to be confused with either the Superdome or Thunderdome- so calm down Master/Blaster) as I always remembered it- is actually "The Astrospere" billed as: "the most exciting light show you'll ever experience. The Astrosphere combines the speed of a Scrambler Ride with a music and light show experience."
The song played in the Astrosphere is "Fire On High" by E.L.O.: Electric Light Orchestra- and has been that song since the ride was first created over 20 years ago! I love the song- it always makes me think of throwing up a little in my mouth after wolfing fried dough and stealing cigarettes. I don't know that it is the most exciting light show I have ever seen- but it is certainly one of the most memorable light shows of all time. In Saco, Maine. In the 80's. You get my point?
My newest crush
I can't really recall how I came across the book "Spaceman Blues: A Love Song" on ebay- but I bought an advance copy and just started reading it on Monday. All I really knew about it was that it had a fun title, a cool cover, and was the author's (Brian Francis Slattery) debut novel.
Halfway through I find myself googling the author in an attempt to test the logistics of stalking him. The book itself is a trippy ride through underground cities in Manhattan and outer space as a man searches for his larger than life party king of a boyfriend- who's disappearance seems to have more to do with an alien invasion than the fact that he was a "trader" of the less than legal kind. I will post much more when I finish it! Get in line to borrow this one now- cause I am going to be very stingy when it comes to loaning!!!
And just how cute is he?!
Pull List 9/06/07
Well- since Monday was a postal holiday (and I didn't get to see the hot mail man!!!) books come out tomorrow- meaning my pre-Top Chef time will be with my nose in "Spaceman Blues" (don't worry- it's about to get it's own post!) instead of these books:

Although just about everything tied to the shiteous "Amazons Attack" mini was equally horrible- the last issue of Supergirl (and the Wonder Woman/Grace Outsiders one shot) was a saving grace. I really liked Tony Bedard's take on Kara- and Renato Guedes's artwork was wonderful- I was looking forward to a decent run with this creative team. This comic has suffered from horrible characterization from the get go- and of course since it's DC- once they seem to pull it together- TPTB change it all around. So I will only have two more issues before auditioning a new crew. And this time- if I am not impressed in the first two issues- adios! The knucklehead in charge of DC right now is a total tool. Reminds me of a line in the great Vanity 6 song "If a Girl Answers Don't Hang Up": "Then I'd take my underwear and shove it in your mouth- and you'd love it cause you got no taste!"

After thoroughly enjoying this "8th Season" of Buffy- I really did try to watch all of the old episodes- Will is a huge fan and I did my damnedest to get through the first 2 1/2 seasons on DVD. Maybe I did too much at once. Maybe I didn't pay attention the way I should- I had to put my backwards Buffy education on hold. I have plans to get back to it someday- but that day is not today hehe! However- the comics have been a trip. The first five by Joss Whedon himself made me really appreciate him as a writer. The banter between characters is up their with the mighty Gail- and if you know me, you know what praise that is for him. This issue is the start of the 2nd story arc and written by the amazing Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Ex-Machina, Pride of Baghdad...)so I am chomping at the bit to read this one!

Black Canary was one of my favorite characters while growing up- mainly due to her appearances in Brave & The Bold- Jim Aparo drew a great Dinah! I then enjoyed the hell out of her in Gail Simone's "Birds of Prey"- Gail lovingly resurrected the character and vaulted her into the big time. It is because of Gail that I am picking up this book.

I enjoyed the Steel's story during 52, and I have given all of the other spinoffs from 52 a chance- so I will let you know how this one pans out.

Again- Gail. She has done a bang up job on this title. I had zero interest in the Atom before- now it's one of the highlights of my month.

Why am I reading this shitty comic? Most days even I don't know. Probably because it's a weekly- and like the downtrodden but hopeful romantic I am- I keep thinking that maybe just one week- who knows- this one? I was stoked that Donna Troy was going to play such a pivotal role- but not when written by people who obviously never read a thing about her- and christ- the art has been so awful!!!!

I stopped reading Outsiders not long into One Year Later- it truly sucked ass most every month. I am only buying this issue out of nostalgia. With Batman assuming leadership, I fondly remember the "Batman & The Outsiders" series that was such a huge part of me being the comic fan I am today. Lord I miss Jim Aparo!! And Halo!!
Although just about everything tied to the shiteous "Amazons Attack" mini was equally horrible- the last issue of Supergirl (and the Wonder Woman/Grace Outsiders one shot) was a saving grace. I really liked Tony Bedard's take on Kara- and Renato Guedes's artwork was wonderful- I was looking forward to a decent run with this creative team. This comic has suffered from horrible characterization from the get go- and of course since it's DC- once they seem to pull it together- TPTB change it all around. So I will only have two more issues before auditioning a new crew. And this time- if I am not impressed in the first two issues- adios! The knucklehead in charge of DC right now is a total tool. Reminds me of a line in the great Vanity 6 song "If a Girl Answers Don't Hang Up": "Then I'd take my underwear and shove it in your mouth- and you'd love it cause you got no taste!"
After thoroughly enjoying this "8th Season" of Buffy- I really did try to watch all of the old episodes- Will is a huge fan and I did my damnedest to get through the first 2 1/2 seasons on DVD. Maybe I did too much at once. Maybe I didn't pay attention the way I should- I had to put my backwards Buffy education on hold. I have plans to get back to it someday- but that day is not today hehe! However- the comics have been a trip. The first five by Joss Whedon himself made me really appreciate him as a writer. The banter between characters is up their with the mighty Gail- and if you know me, you know what praise that is for him. This issue is the start of the 2nd story arc and written by the amazing Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Ex-Machina, Pride of Baghdad...)so I am chomping at the bit to read this one!
Black Canary was one of my favorite characters while growing up- mainly due to her appearances in Brave & The Bold- Jim Aparo drew a great Dinah! I then enjoyed the hell out of her in Gail Simone's "Birds of Prey"- Gail lovingly resurrected the character and vaulted her into the big time. It is because of Gail that I am picking up this book.
I enjoyed the Steel's story during 52, and I have given all of the other spinoffs from 52 a chance- so I will let you know how this one pans out.
Again- Gail. She has done a bang up job on this title. I had zero interest in the Atom before- now it's one of the highlights of my month.
Why am I reading this shitty comic? Most days even I don't know. Probably because it's a weekly- and like the downtrodden but hopeful romantic I am- I keep thinking that maybe just one week- who knows- this one? I was stoked that Donna Troy was going to play such a pivotal role- but not when written by people who obviously never read a thing about her- and christ- the art has been so awful!!!!
I stopped reading Outsiders not long into One Year Later- it truly sucked ass most every month. I am only buying this issue out of nostalgia. With Batman assuming leadership, I fondly remember the "Batman & The Outsiders" series that was such a huge part of me being the comic fan I am today. Lord I miss Jim Aparo!! And Halo!!
Random Thoughts on Southern Decadence 2007
Thanks for coming down to enjoy SD and spend your $$ here. Hope you found positive things to report. We're not out of the woods by any means and still sorely need assistance.Pass the word that we're still here, cher. Thanks and book again for next year.
Well, isn't this special!!!! Drag queens and catamite associates enjoying the warm sun. The culture of death/sodomy is flourishing and 'coming together' in the N.O. Quarter. Be well............
and i am not either a perv or sodomite.. they put on a great parade and spent a lot of money in the french quarter.. you probably drank Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and marched with that ex-con married to a stripper.. rev storm? lmao..
Pervs' indicates the plural possessive...perhaps you meant to write the simple plural "pervs". By the way, why did you come to the Quarter, knowing the nature of the weekend's revels?
$100 million + spent over the course of 3 days.
Over 100,000 visitors that spend 3-4 times per person than the average tourist.
NO reports of serious or violent crime.
I say let's have more of this.
****Lifted those comments with no particular design from the forums at despite the few comments on the evil ways of attendees, it would seem that even the normally feisty crowd lurking in the Vieux Carre forum was happy with the turnout and shows this past weekend. I couldn't agree more- this was my first time viewing the Decadence parade- in years past I usually slept all day and was out all night. What a different Decadence I had- sooooo much fun and laughs. Wasn't all that decadent- since I have been doing shots of Jaeger before breakfast for many years now hehe! On my list of things to remember for next year- bring bags of old beads! I never think to haul beads anywhere or that I will scream for them any time other than Mardi Gras- but I get on that corner of St. Ann and Bourbon, and I see all of those "tourists" shouting and catching and I lose control! There was a huge black queen up on the Bourbon Orleans balcony- and I just started shouting- "I love your big black booty!!" "Show me them groceries!!" Bammmmm! I had a fistful of beads before I knew it! I still get so exhilarated when beads fly my way! I have friends who give me hell- saying that enough is enough, that I have been here 5 years- there is no reason to still flip out for beads. To them I say- the day I stop flipping out for beads will be a sad one- means I stopped breathing, etc.!
**This is not from Decadence- just evidence of my dragon-like bead lust from this past St. Patrick's Day!!
Ohhh- I know that song- what is it?!

Haven't done this in a while- probably because the last time I did, the only person who guessed was the person I "liberally lifted" the great idea from! But I persevere! Oh- and that lovely couple getting down in the picture? Random kids at FQFEST this year!
The Rules - Put your iTunes on random. Post lyrics from the first songs that play. Post it on your blog & let everyone guess the song & artist. When a song is guessed correctly, strike out the lyrics & post the title in bold. Looking the lyrics up on any search engine is cheating!! So, if you know the song - leave your guess in a comment. If you’re right, I’ll post your name (or link). Enjoy!
1. Dig that steam/Giant butt/Makes me scream/I get a nut nut nuthin/but the shakes over you/(Nothin) Nothin' else could ever do...
2. (Song Title)/In the twilight's last gleaming/This is open season/But you won't get too far/We know you've got to blame someone/For your own confusion/But we're on guard this time/Against your final solution...
3. Gettin down for life, thats right, you better learn/Why play with fire, burn/We get together like a choir, to acquire what we desire/We do dirt like worms, produce G's like sperm/'til legs spread like germs/I got extensive hoes, with expensive clothes/and I sip fine wines and spit vintage flows/What y'all don't know?
4. There once was a time and there once was a way/We had something going and to my dismay/Attention to me seemed to drift though I don't know where/And when we're alone seems there's nothing to say/I bring up a topic and you push it away/You say that you do but I think it's just you don't care/Why do I feel you're using me...
****"I Beg Your Pardon" by Kon Kan - correctly identified by Luis Ramirez- right on Luis!!
5. Thinkin' short of what you got/Better get it while it's hot/Ain't no better love than your own/Unmistakin' urge 2 be sexin' with society/How can you be happy alone...
6. Every man deserves a good woman/and I want you to be my wife./Time is so much better spent with you baby/a woman just like you in my life./So let me love you/fill you up inside/I want to hold you baby...
7. Whispering in his ear/my magic potion for love/telling him I'm sincere/and that there's/nothing too good for us/and I just got to be (song title) ...
8. What is this madness/That makes my motor run/And my legs too weak to stand/I go from sadness/To exhilaration/Like a robot at your command/My hands perspire and shake like a leaf/Up and down goes my temperature/I summon doctors to get some relief/But they tell me there is no cure...
9. Must have been livin' right the day I met you/Had to be a starry night, my dreams came true/I don't deserve him, I don't understa-and/I'm gonna love you the best that I can ...
10. Theres a message/In the wild/And Im sending you/This signal tonight/You dont know
How desperate Ive become/And it looks like Im losing this fight/In your world/I have no meaning/Though Im trying hard/To understand/And its my heart thats breaking...
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