TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My newest crush

I can't really recall how I came across the book "Spaceman Blues: A Love Song" on ebay- but I bought an advance copy and just started reading it on Monday. All I really knew about it was that it had a fun title, a cool cover, and was the author's (Brian Francis Slattery) debut novel.
Halfway through I find myself googling the author in an attempt to test the logistics of stalking him. The book itself is a trippy ride through underground cities in Manhattan and outer space as a man searches for his larger than life party king of a boyfriend- who's disappearance seems to have more to do with an alien invasion than the fact that he was a "trader" of the less than legal kind. I will post much more when I finish it! Get in line to borrow this one now- cause I am going to be very stingy when it comes to loaning!!!

And just how cute is he?!


jason said...

Pretty cute.
a cute author always helps

Angel with a crooked halo said...

yeah- until i start the internet stalking that leads to the jimenez moment hehe- i can't believe he allowed me as a friend on facebook after my inane chatting hehe