Recently, the friend of a friend finally got married at the ripe, young age of 44. It was his first wedding, and the bride a lovely woman of 37, had never been down the aisle either. As part of my gift- I offered a ride service for any family/bridal party members from out of the area- from the hotel HQ to various hair salons, tux shops, meeting places, etc. I decided to make a fun CD of love songs that would appeal to all ages- from flower girl to mother of the bride. Tunes to get them ready to boogie at the wedding, sing and start the party early- you know! My feet still hurt from dancing, and I am proud to have burned my image into the head of the grumpiest relative at the reception! This disc is still on heavy rotation in my car- if you drive around New Orleans and see me grinning and dancing on an otherwise agonizing commute- you'll know what's happening! Hope you enjoy!
Link to complete song list
TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram
Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Adios Ike
I just read that Ike Turner has passed away. Being the huge Tina Turner fan that I am- I wondered whether to just say "Good Riddance" and not make mention at all. However, I know that despite what he let his demons do to him, and what a P.O.S. he became- there wouldn't have been a Tina without an Ike. So for that present to our lives- I honor his passing with a medley of their tunes. (Not by me- luckily there are never any recording devices of any kind around when I perform it!)
Friday, December 7, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Is this the funniest comic strip out there? I'd like to think so hehe! David Rees started "Get Your War On" in 2002 as a response to the Bush White House- and since then has skewered all of the ensuing BS of America! Here are a few strips to give you an idea of his humor. I urge all of you to shoot over here to read the archives! I am tearing up from such laughing!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
5 years ago...
I could not wait for this interview to air- and I was not disappointed when it did! I made the crowd at Parlay's Pub on Harrison Ave. in Midcity pipe down so that we could all hear that raspy voice! Watching her crawfish about her drug use was too funny- but the best had to be the ''crack is whack'' line hehe! If you have seen Debra Wilson do this on MadTV you know what I mean hehe!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Is this the new Wonder Woman?
According to Aintitcool.com:
Wonder Woman is 100% going to be...
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. There have been many names associated with the role of Wonder Woman in George Miller's Justice League flick. One of those names has been chosen and a spy known as The 9th Complex sent in word that Australian Who Magazine claims they know who it is. They say it's this girl:

That's Megan Gale, an Australian Supermodel... And I'm here to say that I've had multiple independent sources within Warner Bros and unnamed agencies confirm this casting. That is Wonder Woman and I think it's a pretty great choice, aesthetically speaking. And doing a quick google search got me some more pretty pics:

And even some pics I shouldn't post here because they're Not Safe For Work... cough-cough.
She definitely looks like a Goddess... let's hope the acting talent matches the beauty. Thoughts?
Wonder Woman is 100% going to be...
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. There have been many names associated with the role of Wonder Woman in George Miller's Justice League flick. One of those names has been chosen and a spy known as The 9th Complex sent in word that Australian Who Magazine claims they know who it is. They say it's this girl:
That's Megan Gale, an Australian Supermodel... And I'm here to say that I've had multiple independent sources within Warner Bros and unnamed agencies confirm this casting. That is Wonder Woman and I think it's a pretty great choice, aesthetically speaking. And doing a quick google search got me some more pretty pics:
And even some pics I shouldn't post here because they're Not Safe For Work... cough-cough.
She definitely looks like a Goddess... let's hope the acting talent matches the beauty. Thoughts?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Airport Aural hehe
While trying to amuse myself during my first layover of the day- this one in Charlotte- I went to one of my favorite Cuban cartoon sites- and found this video that has eluded me for some time on Youtube. I sooooooooo love this song!!!
"Pay attention are you listening? You're my favorite girl. Excuse me for the moment, I'm in another world."
As I mentioned- I have one more layover on my way to New York- so my next post may be from Philly!!
"Pay attention are you listening? You're my favorite girl. Excuse me for the moment, I'm in another world."
As I mentioned- I have one more layover on my way to New York- so my next post may be from Philly!!
Friday, November 9, 2007
I am sooooooooooooooooooooo EXCITED!!
Liberally lifted from Newsarama - my anticipation for Gail Simone's WONDER WOMAN is cranking:
Simone described Wonder Woman and the challenges writing the character as: “The book is about the best goddamned warrior planet Earth has ever known, and she happens to carry a mystical arsenal around just for the hell of it.
“If a writer can’t make that interesting and fun, they really shouldn’t be writing superheroes.
“There are layers upon layers of the character, and we’ll get to them all. But let’s just make it very clear that Diana is the premiere asskicker in the DCU, period. Batman and Superman have other things that make them special. Diana is the one who occasionally carries an axe if someone gives her lip.
“This is actually in my first issue, but the quote is, ‘When a giant robot attacks Metropolis, send Superman. An alien attack? Get Green Lantern. When a car is hijacked by an escaped loony, turn on the bat signal, by all means. But if an ARMY shows up on your doorstep, that’s when you call in Wonder Woman.’”

Simone described Wonder Woman and the challenges writing the character as: “The book is about the best goddamned warrior planet Earth has ever known, and she happens to carry a mystical arsenal around just for the hell of it.
“If a writer can’t make that interesting and fun, they really shouldn’t be writing superheroes.
“There are layers upon layers of the character, and we’ll get to them all. But let’s just make it very clear that Diana is the premiere asskicker in the DCU, period. Batman and Superman have other things that make them special. Diana is the one who occasionally carries an axe if someone gives her lip.
“This is actually in my first issue, but the quote is, ‘When a giant robot attacks Metropolis, send Superman. An alien attack? Get Green Lantern. When a car is hijacked by an escaped loony, turn on the bat signal, by all means. But if an ARMY shows up on your doorstep, that’s when you call in Wonder Woman.’”
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Playlist: Fun Stuff for Silly People
****Editor's Pick
Thanks to a gene pool only the Emerald Isle could put together, I am fairly impish, giggly little pixie in the fine tradition of many a whiskey eyed leprechaun. To that end, I find most of the playlists I put together and have on heavy rotation are chock full of smirk inducing get up and move tunes. Luckily my animal magenetism draws other "view askew" black sheep who appreciate a funky soundtrack to whatever amusement each day presents. Here is a grouping of songs to celebrate a restless caboose and the love of laughlines!
Link to entire song list
Thanks to a gene pool only the Emerald Isle could put together, I am fairly impish, giggly little pixie in the fine tradition of many a whiskey eyed leprechaun. To that end, I find most of the playlists I put together and have on heavy rotation are chock full of smirk inducing get up and move tunes. Luckily my animal magenetism draws other "view askew" black sheep who appreciate a funky soundtrack to whatever amusement each day presents. Here is a grouping of songs to celebrate a restless caboose and the love of laughlines!
Link to entire song list
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
These sounds fall into my mind- Bozzzzzzzzz
I have often (ok, a few times) said that I would like to be remembered as the World's Biggest Boz Scaggs fan- can't you see why?!
Playlist: U R A Fool
**Update- Sadly no longer a fool for the boy referenced below :(
So there's this boy that I like- he makes me giggle, alot! When he's around, I say and do really silly things (not that many people would notice the difference from my usual behavior). When he's talking to me or looking at me, I stumble and trip like a drunk in new shoes. In his presence I have almost broken my nose at least a dozen times- opening doors into it, turning abruptly and finding walls and windows- it's crazy!! So he has taken to calling me FOOL!! When I call his cell phone- it shows "U R A Fool", and that's how he answers!! All lovingly I am assured! So I thought to take ownership of it- I would make him a foolish playlist! You tell me- does this just prove him right? Hehehe- it doesn't matter, I am happy to be his fool!
Link to entire song list
**Update- Sadly no longer a fool for the boy referenced below :(
So there's this boy that I like- he makes me giggle, alot! When he's around, I say and do really silly things (not that many people would notice the difference from my usual behavior). When he's talking to me or looking at me, I stumble and trip like a drunk in new shoes. In his presence I have almost broken my nose at least a dozen times- opening doors into it, turning abruptly and finding walls and windows- it's crazy!! So he has taken to calling me FOOL!! When I call his cell phone- it shows "U R A Fool", and that's how he answers!! All lovingly I am assured! So I thought to take ownership of it- I would make him a foolish playlist! You tell me- does this just prove him right? Hehehe- it doesn't matter, I am happy to be his fool!
Link to entire song list
dancing at work,
Playlist: Jammie needs a sitter
Now you know, I would rather walk on my tongue than to share someone else's business- BUT- I work with a FREAK!!! Oooh this girl is so naughty, she could make Jimmy Swaggart blush. So anywho- she knows that despite my angelic appearance, my musical tastes dwell somewhere near the gutter (at times). She had me put together a list that would make sure her man came home right after work. She had some definite ideas of ways he could be of service to her. Apparently he likes direction, so after hearing these tunes, she made up a few notes for him, and left a trail of them through the house. Long story short- you should see the rock on that ho's hand!!! Good luck y'all!!
Link to entire song list
Now you know, I would rather walk on my tongue than to share someone else's business- BUT- I work with a FREAK!!! Oooh this girl is so naughty, she could make Jimmy Swaggart blush. So anywho- she knows that despite my angelic appearance, my musical tastes dwell somewhere near the gutter (at times). She had me put together a list that would make sure her man came home right after work. She had some definite ideas of ways he could be of service to her. Apparently he likes direction, so after hearing these tunes, she made up a few notes for him, and left a trail of them through the house. Long story short- you should see the rock on that ho's hand!!! Good luck y'all!!
Link to entire song list
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Apparently Republican IS the new gay
Catholic school head busted in alley wearing leather, fishnets
NOVEMBER 1--Meet Paul Schum. The Kentucky man, a Catholic school principal, is facing a prostitution charge after Louisville police found him dressed like a woman and loitering in an alley Tuesday night. According to a criminal citation, a copy of which you'll find here, Schum, 50, was wearing fishnet stockings, fake breasts, and "all black leather" when officers discovered him "loitering in high drug trafficking and prostitution area." The citation notes that Schum, who heads Bethlehem High School, had "no reason for why he was in alley...dressed up in women's leather other than for prostitution." Schum, now on paid leave from his school post, is due in court on November 27 to answer a misdemeanor charge of loitering for the intent of prostitution.
Fishnets? Fake breasts? All black? They could be describing my Halloween costume! I totally need to find my camera now- a picture of me as Tina is very necessary for this post! Although when I saw the photo of the dude- I could totally hear Bobby in Dressed to Kill saying "Don't make me be a bad girl again" hehehe!!
Oh well- adios until the next right winger with a wide stance is frisky!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Zebra Pics!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
While tooling around town in my ghetto-fab Oldsmobile Alero- I could always take solace in the fact that mega-rich cutie movie star of the moment Zac Efron was in the same boat as me. Until I ran across this latest picture of him pumping gas into his new Audi- is mine on the way Zac? I have my thank you all ready for you hehe!
Just a little present for my friend Kelly!!
Surprise? WW film on hold
Silver: Wonder Dead For Now
Joel Silver, who was producing the now-stalled Wonder Woman movie, told reporters that the project has been placed on the back burner in light of another impending superhero film. "They're going to make the Justice League movie, and we're kind of pausing on Wonder Woman now," Silver said in a news conference while promoting Fred Claus. "Let them go ahead and do that picture [first]."
The Amazon superhero from the DC Comics series will be a major part of the upcoming JLA. "And if that comes together, Wonder Woman will be a part of that story," Silver said. "And then we'll see where we go from there. But we struggled with it for a while. I hope that we can solve it and make it one day."
Wonder Woman was originally to be written and directed by Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon. But he dropped out of the project because of creative differences with Silver and the studio. Since then, the movie has been moribund. —Staci Layne Wilson
What a shock- not long after rumors that a top WB film exec said no more films with female leads- this news comes out. In the same week as developments on the Green Lantern and Flash films are announced. Hmm- aren't they members of the JL too?!
Here's a couple of pics of actress Meagan Gale- reportedly one of the top contenders for the role of Wonder Woman in the Justice League film. She's got my vote just based on looks. You can see more at her site.
Playlist: Dance Dance Dance
***Editor's Pick
Whether you want to kick in the mood while getting ready to paint the town red, or you just need to shake your fanny at home- if you can't feel the bounce from this list- look for your obit in the paper! I have been totally incapacitated with a brown bottle induced coma, and when this mix started- just like the bride in kill bill- i could wiggle my big toe! And you KNOW- once you can move that- it allllllll starts wiggling!!
Link to entire song list
Whether you want to kick in the mood while getting ready to paint the town red, or you just need to shake your fanny at home- if you can't feel the bounce from this list- look for your obit in the paper! I have been totally incapacitated with a brown bottle induced coma, and when this mix started- just like the bride in kill bill- i could wiggle my big toe! And you KNOW- once you can move that- it allllllll starts wiggling!!
Link to entire song list
These sounds fall into my mind...
I won a copy of her latest cd "Funk This" that I am going to pick up later- so on with my Chaka mood...(not that it ever takes me much to be feelin some Chaka hehehe!)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Leopard woes
My anticipation of Mac's new OS Leopard set me up for a fall on Friday. After 4 hours of unsuccessful attempts at installation- I have returned the dvd in hopes that a new one will work :(
Playlist: A Hint of Purple
****Editor's Pick
After hearing the first track on this playlist- a bit from one of Sandra Bernhard's incredible shows- where she pays homage to Vanity, Apollonia, Sheila E., etc- I started thinking of all of the great songs that had a bit of purple influence. As I was doing it I had just purchased Teena Marie's comeback CD, La Dona (totally rocks- and I get to see her next week at EssenceFest!!!) I decided to add Prince's brother in funk/freak Rick James' proteges Teena and the Mary Jane Girls!!
Link to entire song list
After hearing the first track on this playlist- a bit from one of Sandra Bernhard's incredible shows- where she pays homage to Vanity, Apollonia, Sheila E., etc- I started thinking of all of the great songs that had a bit of purple influence. As I was doing it I had just purchased Teena Marie's comeback CD, La Dona (totally rocks- and I get to see her next week at EssenceFest!!!) I decided to add Prince's brother in funk/freak Rick James' proteges Teena and the Mary Jane Girls!!
Link to entire song list
Friday, October 26, 2007
Playlist: Shim Sham Shite
***Editor's Pick
The Shim Sham Club was a totally cool joint here in New Orleans that had a banging Thursday night- it was a tribute to the 80s and it was packed each week with freaks, fags, fools, and other fun people! It's now called One Eyed Jacks and although it has lost some of its shine- its still a total trip!
Link to entire song list
The Shim Sham Club was a totally cool joint here in New Orleans that had a banging Thursday night- it was a tribute to the 80s and it was packed each week with freaks, fags, fools, and other fun people! It's now called One Eyed Jacks and although it has lost some of its shine- its still a total trip!
Link to entire song list
Playlist: Swing The Mood
When I want to jump back in time to escape today- or I happen to be channeling Fred Astaire- this is my jump off!
Link to the entire song list
Link to the entire song list
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Funny joke from Ria
This incident took place in Dublin awhile ago and although it sounds like an
Alfred Hitchcock take, it's true according to local townspeople.
John Bradford, a Dublin University student, was walking on the side of the
road hitchhiking on a dark and stormy night. The rain and fog was so severe
he could only see a few feet ahead of him. There were no cars in sight and
John was beginning to panic. Suddenly, he saw headlights approaching. The
car was traveling very slowly and came to a stop in front of him.
Desperate for shelter and without thinking about it, John got into the car
and closed the door. Only then did he realize there was nobody behind the
wheel and the engine wasn't running.
The car started moving forward slowly. John looked at the road ahead and
knew the car was approaching a sharp curve. Scared that the car would go
over the embankment, John started to pray for his life. Just before the car
hit the curve a hand appeared through the drivers side window and turned the
wheel. John was paralyzed with fear and terror as he watched the hand
repeatedly come through the window though it never touched or harmed him.
Shortly thereafter, John saw the lights of a Pub ahead. Gathering all his
strength, he opened the car door, jumped out, and ran towards the Pub.
Soaking wet and out of breath, he rushed inside and started telling everyone
about the horrible experience he just had. A silence enveloped the Pub when
everyone realized he was crying and wasn't drunk.
Suddenly, the Pub door opened and two other people walked in to escape the
stormy night. They, like John, were soaking wet and out of breath.
Looking around, and seeing John Bradford sobbing at the bar, one said to the
other, "Look Paddy, there's that fooking idiot that got in our car while we
were pushing it."
Alfred Hitchcock take, it's true according to local townspeople.
John Bradford, a Dublin University student, was walking on the side of the
road hitchhiking on a dark and stormy night. The rain and fog was so severe
he could only see a few feet ahead of him. There were no cars in sight and
John was beginning to panic. Suddenly, he saw headlights approaching. The
car was traveling very slowly and came to a stop in front of him.
Desperate for shelter and without thinking about it, John got into the car
and closed the door. Only then did he realize there was nobody behind the
wheel and the engine wasn't running.
The car started moving forward slowly. John looked at the road ahead and
knew the car was approaching a sharp curve. Scared that the car would go
over the embankment, John started to pray for his life. Just before the car
hit the curve a hand appeared through the drivers side window and turned the
wheel. John was paralyzed with fear and terror as he watched the hand
repeatedly come through the window though it never touched or harmed him.
Shortly thereafter, John saw the lights of a Pub ahead. Gathering all his
strength, he opened the car door, jumped out, and ran towards the Pub.
Soaking wet and out of breath, he rushed inside and started telling everyone
about the horrible experience he just had. A silence enveloped the Pub when
everyone realized he was crying and wasn't drunk.
Suddenly, the Pub door opened and two other people walked in to escape the
stormy night. They, like John, were soaking wet and out of breath.
Looking around, and seeing John Bradford sobbing at the bar, one said to the
other, "Look Paddy, there's that fooking idiot that got in our car while we
were pushing it."
Playlist: Stoner Shizznit
Great background for when you are Blazinnnnggg, funny stuff, cool tunes, and other nonsense!
Click here for the entire list
Click here for the entire list
Apple Shipping Notification!!
Playlist: When Country Was Cool
I am not a huge country music fan- but these songs kick ass no matter how you classify them!
Link to the entire song list
Link to the entire song list
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Playlist: Light The Candles Baby
Listen to at least two of the songs, and you will know exactly when to use this!!
Link to the entire song list
Link to the entire song list
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Playlist: Bangin'
First playlist to be featured on the homepage of the site:
This isn't for a romantic evening in bed- this is for a night with tons of energy, passion, action- you know- the kind that has you walking, talking, and feeling funny the next three days!!!
Link to entire song list
This isn't for a romantic evening in bed- this is for a night with tons of energy, passion, action- you know- the kind that has you walking, talking, and feeling funny the next three days!!!
Link to entire song list
Playlist: A*@kickers!!!
As promised- I am starting to post my older playlists from fiql.com. This one- my first foray onto the site- as you will see from the description I wrote- I did not know about the "spotlight" feature hehehe!!
Need to get your adrenalin pumping? Amp yourself up with this hit list- not for the faint of heart hehehe!
Link to entire song list
Need to get your adrenalin pumping? Amp yourself up with this hit list- not for the faint of heart hehehe!
Link to entire song list
Monday, October 22, 2007
Playlist: Pinch Me
As I mentioned in the previous post, along with the list of songs, and the various genre/occasion/mood tags that you assign for the list- you also have to write a description. This can be as simple as the date the playlist was compiled, or as detailed as commenting on every song in the list- it's all up to the person sharing. However, the Editors do encourage creativity by spotlighting certain playlists based upon their creativity and quality. These lists are marked with a green check, and are on the front page of the site. I am proud to say that over half my playlists have achieved such distinction!! Although on a few- I found that I put so much pressure on myself to get the gold star that I spent more time of the stupid description than putting together the list hehehe!! The following playlist is my most recent to be featured on the site. I will post some of the older lists throughout the week- and totally urge all of you (my three readers hehehe) to start sharing playlists as well. Each of you has a gift for finding perfect songs and a skill at turning a phrase that I aspire to with each entry. (Oh and Rene? If you read this- you definitely need to get your butt over to that site and check out my retrowonderland playlist hehehe- I am hoping that you have been noticing some increased traffic!!!)
After my last "keep your head up" breakup playlist, I wanted to put together tunes that showcase the brighter side of love. Songs that are perfect for that giddy rush that you get when you are blindsided by someone. When you drive your friends crazy (when they actually get to see you hehe) by gushing and giggling and your heart can be heard around the corner. Secretly- I'm hoping that this is a "if you build it he will come" deal- just without the ghosts or Kevin Costner hehe! So join me on Cloud 9- wear something that is way too cute, leave your tired friends at home- and bliss out!!!
Link to entire song list
After my last "keep your head up" breakup playlist, I wanted to put together tunes that showcase the brighter side of love. Songs that are perfect for that giddy rush that you get when you are blindsided by someone. When you drive your friends crazy (when they actually get to see you hehe) by gushing and giggling and your heart can be heard around the corner. Secretly- I'm hoping that this is a "if you build it he will come" deal- just without the ghosts or Kevin Costner hehe! So join me on Cloud 9- wear something that is way too cute, leave your tired friends at home- and bliss out!!!
Link to entire song list
Playlist: End of a love affair
***I am so loving this: one of my favorite websites has added the coolest new feature- I have been posting playlists at www.fiql.com since June 2005. It's a great place for people to not only post and distribute lists of songs that they love, but if you want to find music for ANY occasion- you can totally find ideas there. When adding your list, you always had the option to try and search online for samples of each song- like a 15 sec. snippet to jog the memory- like you would find at Amazon. Now, they've gone all youtube and it automatically searches for a video of the song!! You upload the text file of the playlist from itunes, write a little description (I will focus more on that in my next post), and bam- you have a video playlist that you can embed or send anywhere!!! So here is the first!!! Enjoy!!
Break ups rot- anyone who tells you other wise is lying- or they were never in love. Even when you know it's the right decision, admitting that and following through with it is hard. Whether you were the first to voice it or not- as things begin to drift apart, you realize that in order to maintain any kind of sanity you have to shut off some of your more raw nerves. You move almost like a zombie through the last moments until you are left with yourself. That's when the worst part happens- when you have to tend to your exit wounds. When you begin to assess the damage, take a good look around you, and start the next chapter of your story. As a card carrying hopeful romantic, I have been at this point a few more times than most. I have always found that it helps to really belt out a maudlin tune to get my emotions ready to work- prime the pump if you will. You just need to be careful that you don't go all Brenda Walsh and have REM on repeat- look what that did for her!! You need songs that are somber-ish, sad-like, but with sparkles of hope and reassurance here and there. My advice- this playlist, a bottle of red wine you find for under $20, and a few hard core girlfriends on high alert near their phones should you need a boost!! You were fabulous before- you're even better now!
Link to entire song list
Break ups rot- anyone who tells you other wise is lying- or they were never in love. Even when you know it's the right decision, admitting that and following through with it is hard. Whether you were the first to voice it or not- as things begin to drift apart, you realize that in order to maintain any kind of sanity you have to shut off some of your more raw nerves. You move almost like a zombie through the last moments until you are left with yourself. That's when the worst part happens- when you have to tend to your exit wounds. When you begin to assess the damage, take a good look around you, and start the next chapter of your story. As a card carrying hopeful romantic, I have been at this point a few more times than most. I have always found that it helps to really belt out a maudlin tune to get my emotions ready to work- prime the pump if you will. You just need to be careful that you don't go all Brenda Walsh and have REM on repeat- look what that did for her!! You need songs that are somber-ish, sad-like, but with sparkles of hope and reassurance here and there. My advice- this playlist, a bottle of red wine you find for under $20, and a few hard core girlfriends on high alert near their phones should you need a boost!! You were fabulous before- you're even better now!
Link to entire song list
These sounds fall into my mind...
I have been sitting on this post for some time- for months I wanted to trot out some Bryan Ferry- but knew that there was going to be a time when we would need his distinctive, comforting sound to warm us up. A rainy day if you will hehe- well with today's gloomy weather making even my usually relaxing smoke breaks a process- today is that day!
Without further ado, here’s Ferry with “Let’s Stick Together,” “Kiss & Tell” and “The Price of Love”. The first and last videos feature Ferry’s former lover, Jerry Hall, who always cheers me up.
Without further ado, here’s Ferry with “Let’s Stick Together,” “Kiss & Tell” and “The Price of Love”. The first and last videos feature Ferry’s former lover, Jerry Hall, who always cheers me up.
Friday, October 19, 2007
These sounds fall into my mind...
Just to keep those juices flowing so that you are ready to start dancing the minute you clock out- a few tried and true classics from the 90s! Even if like me, you haven't got a ton of junk in your trunk- any one of these songs will have you throwing it around like it's going out of style!! Cheers!
These sounds fall into my mind...
Let's start the weekend off early with one of my all time favorites- I hear the late, great Renee Diggs belting this Starpoint hit and I have to start moving hehe-
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Because they riggity rock me like no other...
Zz Top - Pearl Necklace Lyrics
She's really upset with me again,
I didn't give her what she likes.
I don't know what to tell her,
Don't know what to say.
Everything got funky last night.
She Was Really Bombed,
And I was really blown away,
Until I asked her what she wanted,
And this is what she had to say:
A pearl necklace.
She wanna pearl necklace.
She wanna pearl necklace.
She gets a charge out of bein' so weird,
Digs gettin' downright strange.
But I can keep a handle on anything,
Just this side of deranged.
She was gettin' bombed,
And I was gettin' blown away,
And she held it in her hand
And this is what she had to say:
A pearl necklace.
She wanna pearl necklace.
She wanna pearl necklace.
She is so tough, as pure as the driven slush.
And that's not true what she's talkin' about, [see notes]
It really don't cost that much.
She was gettin' bombed,
And I was gettin' blown away,
And she took it in her hand,
And this is what she had to say:
A pearl necklace.
She wanna pearl necklace.
She wanna pearl necklace.
RIP Deborah Kerr 1921 - 2007
Oh this just stinks! I have several posts in various stages of "almost ready to publish" in the running for my comeback from exile/1st post in October- but I just found out that one of my favorite actresses of all time- indeed- one of the greatest ever, has passed away. I was reading cnn.com and gloating about a school in Portland, Maine making birth control available to students as young as 11 (bravo btw) when I noticed the headline "from here to eternity actress kerr dies"- now I want to leave work, turn off all the lights, smoke a few joints, and cry with some of my favorite films- not just "From Here to Eternity" but "Tea & Sympathy", "The King and I", "An Affair to Remember", the original "Casino Royale", "Separate Tables", "Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison", etc- what a class act. I last saw "An Affair to Remember" about a month and a half ago- for what must be the 50th time, and she still could get tears out of me.
When I think of Deborah Kerr- I will always remember this line from "Tea and Sympathy":
"Years from now when you talk about this - and you will - be kind."
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
How much do I miss her?
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I'm in a purple mood!
Totally strange, yet enjoyable video for one of my favorite songs of all time. Didn't I just love singing the words to this song and feeling dirty when I was in 8th grade hehe!
Most things "Prince" related are hard to find on youtube- thank god for drag queens who don't really give a shit about rules like that! This is Inaya Day's version of the song, not the original by Vanity- but anything for that killer beat.
LOVVVVVVEEEE Wendy & Lisa- I used to walk around in a daze doing "Wendy?" "Yes Lisa" "Is the water warm enough?" from Computer Blue! This whole album kicked ass- surprised it didn't do better. Did you know that Wendy & Lisa are still a team and now do the score for the show Heroes?!
Monday, September 17, 2007
From the Pedo Files hehe
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Bless me Father, for I have sinned
(This is an actual priest featured here: http://www.calendarioromano.co.uk/)
I sure as hell don't remember priests this hot from when I was an altar boy! If they were- no amount of interference from my mother would have kept me from those retreats at the St. Mary's Priest's Summer Camp! It always used to piss me off that all of my friends were allowed to go, but my mother refused to allow her son to spend the night under the same roof with them. At a family gathering a few years back, she defended her actions after sharing the news that Father Coughlin, the "head" priest at St. Marys- (the first church we tried to attend in Bangor, Maine) had been implicated in one of the many boy banging cases. "I had brothers who were altar boys" she explained "and there was no way in hell I was going to let you stay at that camp. It would only have been like giving permission for them to molest you. And see- I was right! Aren't you glad I forbade you now?!" "Glad? Hell no I'm not glad! I am pissed! I mean shit- I already turned out gay- at least if one of them had tried to diddle me, I'd be up for some of the Catholic Churchs illgotten gold!!!!"
Needless to say- Mom didn't appreciate my spin hehe!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Quote of the day (or more reason to hate kanye west)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Make it work...
My semi-unhealthy obsession with Tim Gunn is in overdrive right now. His new show "Tim Gunn's Guide To Style" is starting on Bravo and I am already glued. Oh! And for the chocolate covered cherry on top?! My second favorite supermodel of all time- Veronica Webb is the co-host!! I am still gushing as it is airing right now- but wanted to share some of my favorite lines so far- after all, my reason for loving both Tim and Veronica is their language. The two of them are very bright and witty and I just giggle whenever I hear them speak.
The woman they are helping on this episode dresses like an aging whore. An aging whore with bad taste. After viewing her pictures, they visit her house and are amazed at the sophistication of the decor. They are having a hard time understanding how a woman who looks like she does, has a home that is so tastefully apportioned. Tim says "This does not look like a home that she would live in?!" Veronica adds "or would be invited to..." HAHAHAHAHA! First laugh out loud moment of the season!
As she is defending all of her belongings, she gets to her purse collection. She declares that she only uses handbags. Tiny cocktail party purses. They wonder aloud how practical this is for her. Tim asks "what kind of woman uses a cocktail purse during the day? I know but I'm not saying" HAHAHAHAHAHA
I am just digging this show for all the wrong reasons...
Summers past
I found this totally cool video of Muse's "Invincible" as a theme park ride at http://justinspace.com/blog/:
And it totally brought me back to my high school years and Funtown USA- the Superdrome or Thunderdrome (soooo not to be confused with either the Superdome or Thunderdome- so calm down Master/Blaster) as I always remembered it- is actually "The Astrospere" billed as: "the most exciting light show you'll ever experience. The Astrosphere combines the speed of a Scrambler Ride with a music and light show experience."
The song played in the Astrosphere is "Fire On High" by E.L.O.: Electric Light Orchestra- and has been that song since the ride was first created over 20 years ago! I love the song- it always makes me think of throwing up a little in my mouth after wolfing fried dough and stealing cigarettes. I don't know that it is the most exciting light show I have ever seen- but it is certainly one of the most memorable light shows of all time. In Saco, Maine. In the 80's. You get my point?
And it totally brought me back to my high school years and Funtown USA- the Superdrome or Thunderdrome (soooo not to be confused with either the Superdome or Thunderdome- so calm down Master/Blaster) as I always remembered it- is actually "The Astrospere" billed as: "the most exciting light show you'll ever experience. The Astrosphere combines the speed of a Scrambler Ride with a music and light show experience."
The song played in the Astrosphere is "Fire On High" by E.L.O.: Electric Light Orchestra- and has been that song since the ride was first created over 20 years ago! I love the song- it always makes me think of throwing up a little in my mouth after wolfing fried dough and stealing cigarettes. I don't know that it is the most exciting light show I have ever seen- but it is certainly one of the most memorable light shows of all time. In Saco, Maine. In the 80's. You get my point?
My newest crush
I can't really recall how I came across the book "Spaceman Blues: A Love Song" on ebay- but I bought an advance copy and just started reading it on Monday. All I really knew about it was that it had a fun title, a cool cover, and was the author's (Brian Francis Slattery) debut novel.
Halfway through I find myself googling the author in an attempt to test the logistics of stalking him. The book itself is a trippy ride through underground cities in Manhattan and outer space as a man searches for his larger than life party king of a boyfriend- who's disappearance seems to have more to do with an alien invasion than the fact that he was a "trader" of the less than legal kind. I will post much more when I finish it! Get in line to borrow this one now- cause I am going to be very stingy when it comes to loaning!!!
And just how cute is he?!
Pull List 9/06/07
Well- since Monday was a postal holiday (and I didn't get to see the hot mail man!!!) books come out tomorrow- meaning my pre-Top Chef time will be with my nose in "Spaceman Blues" (don't worry- it's about to get it's own post!) instead of these books:

Although just about everything tied to the shiteous "Amazons Attack" mini was equally horrible- the last issue of Supergirl (and the Wonder Woman/Grace Outsiders one shot) was a saving grace. I really liked Tony Bedard's take on Kara- and Renato Guedes's artwork was wonderful- I was looking forward to a decent run with this creative team. This comic has suffered from horrible characterization from the get go- and of course since it's DC- once they seem to pull it together- TPTB change it all around. So I will only have two more issues before auditioning a new crew. And this time- if I am not impressed in the first two issues- adios! The knucklehead in charge of DC right now is a total tool. Reminds me of a line in the great Vanity 6 song "If a Girl Answers Don't Hang Up": "Then I'd take my underwear and shove it in your mouth- and you'd love it cause you got no taste!"

After thoroughly enjoying this "8th Season" of Buffy- I really did try to watch all of the old episodes- Will is a huge fan and I did my damnedest to get through the first 2 1/2 seasons on DVD. Maybe I did too much at once. Maybe I didn't pay attention the way I should- I had to put my backwards Buffy education on hold. I have plans to get back to it someday- but that day is not today hehe! However- the comics have been a trip. The first five by Joss Whedon himself made me really appreciate him as a writer. The banter between characters is up their with the mighty Gail- and if you know me, you know what praise that is for him. This issue is the start of the 2nd story arc and written by the amazing Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Ex-Machina, Pride of Baghdad...)so I am chomping at the bit to read this one!

Black Canary was one of my favorite characters while growing up- mainly due to her appearances in Brave & The Bold- Jim Aparo drew a great Dinah! I then enjoyed the hell out of her in Gail Simone's "Birds of Prey"- Gail lovingly resurrected the character and vaulted her into the big time. It is because of Gail that I am picking up this book.

I enjoyed the Steel's story during 52, and I have given all of the other spinoffs from 52 a chance- so I will let you know how this one pans out.

Again- Gail. She has done a bang up job on this title. I had zero interest in the Atom before- now it's one of the highlights of my month.

Why am I reading this shitty comic? Most days even I don't know. Probably because it's a weekly- and like the downtrodden but hopeful romantic I am- I keep thinking that maybe just one week- who knows- this one? I was stoked that Donna Troy was going to play such a pivotal role- but not when written by people who obviously never read a thing about her- and christ- the art has been so awful!!!!

I stopped reading Outsiders not long into One Year Later- it truly sucked ass most every month. I am only buying this issue out of nostalgia. With Batman assuming leadership, I fondly remember the "Batman & The Outsiders" series that was such a huge part of me being the comic fan I am today. Lord I miss Jim Aparo!! And Halo!!
Although just about everything tied to the shiteous "Amazons Attack" mini was equally horrible- the last issue of Supergirl (and the Wonder Woman/Grace Outsiders one shot) was a saving grace. I really liked Tony Bedard's take on Kara- and Renato Guedes's artwork was wonderful- I was looking forward to a decent run with this creative team. This comic has suffered from horrible characterization from the get go- and of course since it's DC- once they seem to pull it together- TPTB change it all around. So I will only have two more issues before auditioning a new crew. And this time- if I am not impressed in the first two issues- adios! The knucklehead in charge of DC right now is a total tool. Reminds me of a line in the great Vanity 6 song "If a Girl Answers Don't Hang Up": "Then I'd take my underwear and shove it in your mouth- and you'd love it cause you got no taste!"
After thoroughly enjoying this "8th Season" of Buffy- I really did try to watch all of the old episodes- Will is a huge fan and I did my damnedest to get through the first 2 1/2 seasons on DVD. Maybe I did too much at once. Maybe I didn't pay attention the way I should- I had to put my backwards Buffy education on hold. I have plans to get back to it someday- but that day is not today hehe! However- the comics have been a trip. The first five by Joss Whedon himself made me really appreciate him as a writer. The banter between characters is up their with the mighty Gail- and if you know me, you know what praise that is for him. This issue is the start of the 2nd story arc and written by the amazing Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Ex-Machina, Pride of Baghdad...)so I am chomping at the bit to read this one!
Black Canary was one of my favorite characters while growing up- mainly due to her appearances in Brave & The Bold- Jim Aparo drew a great Dinah! I then enjoyed the hell out of her in Gail Simone's "Birds of Prey"- Gail lovingly resurrected the character and vaulted her into the big time. It is because of Gail that I am picking up this book.
I enjoyed the Steel's story during 52, and I have given all of the other spinoffs from 52 a chance- so I will let you know how this one pans out.
Again- Gail. She has done a bang up job on this title. I had zero interest in the Atom before- now it's one of the highlights of my month.
Why am I reading this shitty comic? Most days even I don't know. Probably because it's a weekly- and like the downtrodden but hopeful romantic I am- I keep thinking that maybe just one week- who knows- this one? I was stoked that Donna Troy was going to play such a pivotal role- but not when written by people who obviously never read a thing about her- and christ- the art has been so awful!!!!
I stopped reading Outsiders not long into One Year Later- it truly sucked ass most every month. I am only buying this issue out of nostalgia. With Batman assuming leadership, I fondly remember the "Batman & The Outsiders" series that was such a huge part of me being the comic fan I am today. Lord I miss Jim Aparo!! And Halo!!
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