There is a Cinderella 3? Where the hell have I been? When was Cinderella 2? I feel so lost right now...
TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
What the HELL?!?!?!?!?!
There is a Cinderella 3? Where the hell have I been? When was Cinderella 2? I feel so lost right now...
Another day that lives in infamy...
Holy Photoshop Miracle!!
I am still working on my Fergie and J.J. Fad lyric comparison- but I just came across the most astonishing picture. Apparently Fergie is the new spokesmodel for Candies- and let me tell you- their airbrusher or photoshopper deserves a Nobel prize. She looks hot in this picture! Considering all of the other times I have seen her I think I am looking at the new Harry Potter villain, that says a bunch! What do you think?!

Loved this movie!!!
Will and I went to see Pedro Almodovar's "Volver" at Canal Place on Monday night. What a delightful movie!!! Again- beautifully filmed as you would expect from Almodovar. A wonderfully fun story- at times I cried, laughed alot, and felt warm from the whole experience. Penelope has deservedly been nominated for an Academy Award- but the entire cast shines. The basic plot outline is:
"Raimunda lives in Madrid with her daughter Paula and her husband Paco who's always drunk. Her sister Sole is separated and work clandestinely as a hairstylist for women. The two sisters lost their parents in a fire in La Mancha their birth village years ago. In the village remains only their aunt Paula that continue to speak about her sister Irene, mother of the two, like if she is still alive. When the old aunt die the situation change and the past come back (Volver) again, in a twist of mystery and suspense."
Like other Almodovar movies- "Bad Education", "Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down", and "Talk to Her"- this movie has many characters and plot threads that are amusing- but not necessarily tied up. I like this about his films- he hastily pull things together- but as in life lets the story occur. I have read that other fans have been disappointed by this film but I was totally pleased and can not wait to see it again!
Interesting news developing about one of my favorite "adult performers"
I am on some pretty interesting and totally random email lists, which I usually delete without reading. However, a headline on one I recently received grabbed my eye and got me to read it. "Cobra Video Owner found Murdered"- I was totally hooked. Cobra has some of my all time favorite videos among its collection of titles. I'd say that at least half of my top ten all time favorites are from this studio. As I went on to read the email and then research the story- it became more and more lurid- a top porn producer, embroiled in a legal battle with my favorite star was recently found murdered. He had been stabbed several times and then burned! I had already heard about the legal issues- the star that I like had been the boyfriend of the producer- thus his entry into porn. BUT the boy had been underage for the first several productions! Their relationship seemed fraught with legal problems. The producer had shipped the boy to live with him when he was 15 and was subsequently charged for that. Then their relations must have soured as the star- Brett Corrigan- produced documentation proving his correct age. The titles he appeared in have since been yanked from shelves. A shame too- they were freakin hot- and not just his scenes! The legal b.s. has been going on between the two for about a year with website, name, etc. problems awaiting resolution. According to news reports- Brett is being sought for questioning as Bryan was supposed to be meeting a performer the day he was killed. I will update with news as I find it!!!
The latest comic rumor has me wet!!!!!
One of the things I find myself doing more and more is combing the internet for rumors about comic books. This started slowly- as I found message boards and forums devoted to my favorite characters and books. As DC revved up marketing for first "Identity Crisis", "Countdown to Infinite Crisis", and then all of the "Infinite Crisis" crap I was sucked in. Then as the whole One Year Later and "52" bs started- I lost hours to the pursuit. I was initially very excited for most of what was happening. My favorite monthly "Wonder Woman" was set for a relaunch and I was stoked. The art team announced was a dream- Terry and Rachel Dodson had first come to my attention while doing covers for "Birds of Prey":

And then they announced the writer for the relaunch and I was even more excited- Allan Heinberg- the very talented writer behind Marvel's terrific "Young Avengers" series- he had also written some of my favorite "Sex in the City" episodes, so I was totally looking forward to his take on Diana. I googled Mr. Heinberg and was further spurred- found out he was really cute, and gay!! I found him on Myspace and quickly started tracking his moves in anticipation for another Phil Jimenez-like stalking relationship (I will elaborate on that in a bit)!
June finally arrives and I bite my nails to the point of bleeding waiting for the first issue- when it finally is released I am more than happy- the writing and artwork are so above what I had hoped for- it was really an A+. Not only did it hit the ground running with an exciting storyline- but it also kept focus within the Wonder Family and spotlighted my favorite character of all time- Donna Troy:

I was not alone in my praise- Entertainment Weekly gave the relaunched title a glowing review- and sales for the first issue were better than any issue before. It seemed as though this relaunch, just in time for Wonder Woman's 65th anniversary was golden.
Of course- as always seems to happen- my hopes were dashed. Delays that began with the second issue dragged the comic into an appalling bi-monthly release schedule. Then they couldn't even maintain that, with fans left wondering what the hell was going on. Cut to today- February 1, 2007- since the release in June, two more issues have come out- making for a total of THREE issues in SEVEN months!?!? What kind of joke is this? According to all that I have read- the blame seems to fall somewhere in between passive editors and an overworked writer. Apparently Mr. Heinberg has focussed much of his time to his duties on the writing staff of "Grey's Anatomy"- I don't watch it, but sure- if you have a gig with the hottest TV show around, that's going to steal alot of your time- if that is the case, then perhaps you should not accept additional assignments? The lack of professionalism has left me a bit raw with most involved. The artists, Terry and Rachel Dodson, should be spared any criticism - by all accounts they are more than ready to fulfill their obligations. Hopefully when this series is rescued in a few months by best selling author Jodi Piccoult, we can see more of their vision.
So the long and the short of it is- I am ready for some kind of consolation prize from DC to make up for their shabby treatment the past several months. As "52" winds down (beautifully I might add) and they start up the hoopla machine for their latest charge- this teaser picture is released:

Comic forums and message boards were ablaze with speculation- why these characters? Why those alternate versions of costumes? Did this cover cement beliefs among many that the Multiverse was returning? Elseworld titles now in continuity? Was this for a new series or was it for the end of "52"?
My interest was mainly sparked by Donna being back in her classic Wondergirl costume- the destruction of the Multiverse 20 years ago in "Crisis on Infinite Earths" had cleaned up alot of DC's universe- but of the many characters that were screwed- Donna Troy got the worst of it. Her entire history was wiped out- one of the most poignant, well written tales I had ever read in comics-

New Teen Titans #8- Who is Donna Troy?- perhaps my all time single favorite one issue of a comic book. The Crisis maxi-series made the entire issue null and void- cancelling the origin of my favorite character and hurling her into a 20 year roller coaster ride of crappy origins and horrid treatment culminating in the characters senseless murder in 2003. With that final straw I stopped reading comic books for a few years. Toy with my emotions? Up yours!
Then hottie Phil Jimenez- the cute writer/artist who had lovingly written 25 issues of Wonder Woman- announced plans to bring Donna back. DC pretended to be using her return as the catalyst for all things new and exciting for their universe. Making it seem as though she was going to play an integral role in their "Infinite Crisis" and beyond. Sadly- all we fans got was a few glimpses of Donna as she lead a team of heroes in space. Then the afterthought "History of the DC Universe" backstory in the first issues of "52".
So here I am again- as I type this I realize that I constantly let DC do this to me- treat my girls like shite and then hint at glory and of course I salivate. The latest take on that teaser pic- if it proves to be true- could seriously wash away my bad feelings from over the years. When looking at the teaser more closely- it appears to be a photoshopped montage of characters over an arbitrary background. The prevailing theory is that it is an amalgam of the first several covers for DC's new weekly series delving into the renewed Multiverse- starring Donna with every weekly cover done by my boy Phil Jimenez!!!!!! Perfect world- yes this is what is going to happen- Phil will knock them out of the park! Paul Dini- or should I say- Paul Dini the Master- is rumored to be helming the project.
My only worry is this- while I love Phil's work- his detail and style are so incredible- his cover for the Donna Troy collected edition is astounding:

However- due to his attention to detail and perfection- he can't seem to stick to a deadline. In the past this has been dealt with by fill-in artists who can't do his level of work, late shipping issues- like "Infinite Crisis"- or worse- half-assed releases (the Metropolis battle at the beginning of IC #7 comes to mind). I am worried that what could be his opus at DC- the weekly cover duties for this new series- could quickly become his albatross. I hope I am wrong- with the home stretch in sight, J.G. Jones has shown that churning out a weekly cover that is still consistently a beauty is not impossible. A bound edition of Jones's "52" covers is almost inevitable and will surely be a best seller. I just hope that Phil- with all of his incredible talent will be highlighted!
Oh well- rambled enough- need to pretend to do some work!!!
And then they announced the writer for the relaunch and I was even more excited- Allan Heinberg- the very talented writer behind Marvel's terrific "Young Avengers" series- he had also written some of my favorite "Sex in the City" episodes, so I was totally looking forward to his take on Diana. I googled Mr. Heinberg and was further spurred- found out he was really cute, and gay!! I found him on Myspace and quickly started tracking his moves in anticipation for another Phil Jimenez-like stalking relationship (I will elaborate on that in a bit)!
June finally arrives and I bite my nails to the point of bleeding waiting for the first issue- when it finally is released I am more than happy- the writing and artwork are so above what I had hoped for- it was really an A+. Not only did it hit the ground running with an exciting storyline- but it also kept focus within the Wonder Family and spotlighted my favorite character of all time- Donna Troy:
I was not alone in my praise- Entertainment Weekly gave the relaunched title a glowing review- and sales for the first issue were better than any issue before. It seemed as though this relaunch, just in time for Wonder Woman's 65th anniversary was golden.
Of course- as always seems to happen- my hopes were dashed. Delays that began with the second issue dragged the comic into an appalling bi-monthly release schedule. Then they couldn't even maintain that, with fans left wondering what the hell was going on. Cut to today- February 1, 2007- since the release in June, two more issues have come out- making for a total of THREE issues in SEVEN months!?!? What kind of joke is this? According to all that I have read- the blame seems to fall somewhere in between passive editors and an overworked writer. Apparently Mr. Heinberg has focussed much of his time to his duties on the writing staff of "Grey's Anatomy"- I don't watch it, but sure- if you have a gig with the hottest TV show around, that's going to steal alot of your time- if that is the case, then perhaps you should not accept additional assignments? The lack of professionalism has left me a bit raw with most involved. The artists, Terry and Rachel Dodson, should be spared any criticism - by all accounts they are more than ready to fulfill their obligations. Hopefully when this series is rescued in a few months by best selling author Jodi Piccoult, we can see more of their vision.
So the long and the short of it is- I am ready for some kind of consolation prize from DC to make up for their shabby treatment the past several months. As "52" winds down (beautifully I might add) and they start up the hoopla machine for their latest charge- this teaser picture is released:
Comic forums and message boards were ablaze with speculation- why these characters? Why those alternate versions of costumes? Did this cover cement beliefs among many that the Multiverse was returning? Elseworld titles now in continuity? Was this for a new series or was it for the end of "52"?
My interest was mainly sparked by Donna being back in her classic Wondergirl costume- the destruction of the Multiverse 20 years ago in "Crisis on Infinite Earths" had cleaned up alot of DC's universe- but of the many characters that were screwed- Donna Troy got the worst of it. Her entire history was wiped out- one of the most poignant, well written tales I had ever read in comics-
New Teen Titans #8- Who is Donna Troy?- perhaps my all time single favorite one issue of a comic book. The Crisis maxi-series made the entire issue null and void- cancelling the origin of my favorite character and hurling her into a 20 year roller coaster ride of crappy origins and horrid treatment culminating in the characters senseless murder in 2003. With that final straw I stopped reading comic books for a few years. Toy with my emotions? Up yours!
Then hottie Phil Jimenez- the cute writer/artist who had lovingly written 25 issues of Wonder Woman- announced plans to bring Donna back. DC pretended to be using her return as the catalyst for all things new and exciting for their universe. Making it seem as though she was going to play an integral role in their "Infinite Crisis" and beyond. Sadly- all we fans got was a few glimpses of Donna as she lead a team of heroes in space. Then the afterthought "History of the DC Universe" backstory in the first issues of "52".
So here I am again- as I type this I realize that I constantly let DC do this to me- treat my girls like shite and then hint at glory and of course I salivate. The latest take on that teaser pic- if it proves to be true- could seriously wash away my bad feelings from over the years. When looking at the teaser more closely- it appears to be a photoshopped montage of characters over an arbitrary background. The prevailing theory is that it is an amalgam of the first several covers for DC's new weekly series delving into the renewed Multiverse- starring Donna with every weekly cover done by my boy Phil Jimenez!!!!!! Perfect world- yes this is what is going to happen- Phil will knock them out of the park! Paul Dini- or should I say- Paul Dini the Master- is rumored to be helming the project.
My only worry is this- while I love Phil's work- his detail and style are so incredible- his cover for the Donna Troy collected edition is astounding:
However- due to his attention to detail and perfection- he can't seem to stick to a deadline. In the past this has been dealt with by fill-in artists who can't do his level of work, late shipping issues- like "Infinite Crisis"- or worse- half-assed releases (the Metropolis battle at the beginning of IC #7 comes to mind). I am worried that what could be his opus at DC- the weekly cover duties for this new series- could quickly become his albatross. I hope I am wrong- with the home stretch in sight, J.G. Jones has shown that churning out a weekly cover that is still consistently a beauty is not impossible. A bound edition of Jones's "52" covers is almost inevitable and will surely be a best seller. I just hope that Phil- with all of his incredible talent will be highlighted!
Oh well- rambled enough- need to pretend to do some work!!!
Monday, January 29, 2007
what was i thinking?!
i've been going back and forth trying to decide whether or not to post links to items i am trying to get on ebay. sure i want to share every aspect of my life with my peoples, but some of the more unsavory blokes i know might get all single white female on me and buy up the shit. then again- most of my devious foes- while simply darling in their own right for sure- don't really have my slender, superhero-like thighs. plus- if someone did happen to purchase something i wanted, i could just as easily steal it from them- thereby sidestepping the whole payment thing!!
anywho- below is a link to the jeans i am bidding on- i kind of threw my bid in while on the phone and not really paying attention to what i was doing (like when i erased my ipod last week). only when i went back to copy the link did i really take a look at them and the first thing i thought was- holy freaking queer! if i wear those i won't have to walk around with a penis in my mouth for people to know i am a homo. what do you think? should i look for a matching purse or what?
do they make those in men's?
anywho- below is a link to the jeans i am bidding on- i kind of threw my bid in while on the phone and not really paying attention to what i was doing (like when i erased my ipod last week). only when i went back to copy the link did i really take a look at them and the first thing i thought was- holy freaking queer! if i wear those i won't have to walk around with a penis in my mouth for people to know i am a homo. what do you think? should i look for a matching purse or what?
do they make those in men's?
Popping my cherry
technically i am not a blog virgin since i randomly post shit on myspace- but thats just to pick up on high school girls- i don't really feel it's an appropriate place to share my innermost thoughts, feelings, and blow-by-blow accounts of everything i do. i mean- come on- who doesn't love going to someone's blog to find out what they are doing? beats the hell out of talking to them!
there are a number of reasons i have decided to do this- first of all- i'm tired of blowing all of my money on ebay- seems that whenever i get bored at work, i find all sorts of crap that i can't live without- like a box of electric wonder woman toothbrushes or underwear from thailand.
also- around the last election i started to think that i was all political and informed so i started reading some local blogs in order to memorize some opinions and get some good sound bites. as i read more and more following links to other blogs- i thought- hell i could do this! i have tons of opinions that have no basis in fact, i can certainly spread rumors, i work with a ton of lawyers so i am sure that i can lie convincingly- why not expand my audience? that dildo tom delay has a blog now- why can't i have one?
it all reminds me of that old saying "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one- but mine is the yummiest" or something like that. so be sure to bookmark this page and check often, i plan to update frequently- think of yourself as my parole officer or guardian angel or acolyte or worshipper- your comments are encouraged cause i just can't live without knowing what people think of me!!!
there are a number of reasons i have decided to do this- first of all- i'm tired of blowing all of my money on ebay- seems that whenever i get bored at work, i find all sorts of crap that i can't live without- like a box of electric wonder woman toothbrushes or underwear from thailand.
also- around the last election i started to think that i was all political and informed so i started reading some local blogs in order to memorize some opinions and get some good sound bites. as i read more and more following links to other blogs- i thought- hell i could do this! i have tons of opinions that have no basis in fact, i can certainly spread rumors, i work with a ton of lawyers so i am sure that i can lie convincingly- why not expand my audience? that dildo tom delay has a blog now- why can't i have one?
it all reminds me of that old saying "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one- but mine is the yummiest" or something like that. so be sure to bookmark this page and check often, i plan to update frequently- think of yourself as my parole officer or guardian angel or acolyte or worshipper- your comments are encouraged cause i just can't live without knowing what people think of me!!!
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