TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram

Thursday, October 18, 2007

RIP Deborah Kerr 1921 - 2007

Oh this just stinks! I have several posts in various stages of "almost ready to publish" in the running for my comeback from exile/1st post in October- but I just found out that one of my favorite actresses of all time- indeed- one of the greatest ever, has passed away. I was reading and gloating about a school in Portland, Maine making birth control available to students as young as 11 (bravo btw) when I noticed the headline "from here to eternity actress kerr dies"- now I want to leave work, turn off all the lights, smoke a few joints, and cry with some of my favorite films- not just "From Here to Eternity" but "Tea & Sympathy", "The King and I", "An Affair to Remember", the original "Casino Royale", "Separate Tables", "Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison", etc- what a class act. I last saw "An Affair to Remember" about a month and a half ago- for what must be the 50th time, and she still could get tears out of me.

When I think of Deborah Kerr- I will always remember this line from "Tea and Sympathy":

"Years from now when you talk about this - and you will - be kind."

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