TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Day 3
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Day 2
Much more laid back day at the Fest. Norah Jones was nice and mellow- really packed in the crowd. It was tough choosing- all starting at the same time- Norah Jones, Rod Stewart, and Ludacris. I have seen Rod Stewart in concert, so we decided to start w/ Norah and then ease on down to Luda. Turned out to be a great idea- heard her first three songs, and got to Congo Square just as Ludacris hit the stage. He tore it up- favorite of the day for sure! I can't wait to see the final tally- cause I am telling you- it was more packed than I have ever seen today!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Day 1
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Jazzfest Eve 2007

Ok- so this is my new favorite wine- "Trixie's Secret" a yummmmmmmy rose from Kaz Vineyard & Winery. Another lagniappe from having friends go to Sonoma! The booze just keeps arriving at the office, and get this- they MAKE me open it at work!!! How sweet is that? Not to mention that the cute UPS guy is THIS close to taking me up on my offer. You see each time he drops off cases of wine, he says- looks like fun for you- have a great afternoon! Being as polite as I am, I turn and say "Looks like it could be fun for both of us hehe! You should stick around and help me put these away." He giggles as he walks off- but I am telling you- I can see his shit eating grin the minute he gets off the truck now and walks up to the door!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Another brush with fame...
I have tried to limit my friends on myspace to people I have actually talked to- with a few exceptions. There are a few websites that I have purchased clothing from, my tanning salon, some clubs I frequent, and those who I find wayyyy too fabulous not to pay homage - Lynda Carter, Teena Marie, etc. This morning one of the most fabulous of all- Lady Bunny- posted a funny Grace Jones video. So I felt compelled to share my recent Grace Jones posts, and to inquire about the Lady's future Decadence plans. Imagine my surprise when she replied!!!! I was so excited to actually have some back and forth with one of the funniest entertainers I have ever seen- and she hinted at a return to New Orleans!!! Woohoo- enjoy!!!
Can anyone explain this to me?
Why is it that neither "The Bionic Woman" or "The Six Million Dollar Man" are out on DVD in America yet? Last week saw the release of "Larry King Live GREAT INTERVIEWS Collection" on DVD- which I think is one of the modern signs of the Apocalypse. Fans in Australia have been able to get these DVDs for some time now- when will the anti-American backlash stop? Do I have to wait for Dub to leave office? ARRGGH! At least there is youtube.com in the interim. I have been od'ing on clips- from the Fembots to Sasquatch reliving my youth has been such fun.
OK, now I am excited!
It begins today!!
DC's next big event kicks off today- and it's got a WW focus to it!!! Not bad after the crappy treatment of last summer huh?! "Amazons Attack" has the following write up from DC:
Spinning out of the pages of Jodi Picoult's WONDER WOMAN comes the first major comics event of 2007! Well over a year has passed since the events of INFINITE CRISIS, including the retreat of the Amazons to the realm of the Gods. But now they're back, screaming for vengeance! What could compel the Amazons to renounce their peaceful ways and attack America? The answers will prove useless to a country and hero population utterly unprepared for this savage attack. And where is Wonder Woman while all this is going on?
Written by Will Pfeifer (CATWOMAN, INFINITE CRISIS: THE SPECTRE) and illustrated by Pete Woods (SUPERMAN: UP, UP AND AWAY, SUPERMAN: BACK IN ACTION), this series unites the former Catwoman team for a story that will have devastating ramifications both in the present and all the way into 2008!
Not too shabby huh? Totally heart Will Pfeifer and Pete Woods- their Catwoman work kicked arse! Check out these preview pages- would love to have a battalion of Amazons reclaim the White House in real life!!!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Maybe I need some "computer" help
Normally I hatttttttte to stereotype but at Whole Foods today it struck me hard in the face. 12:30 you expect a busy lunch crowd, as there are many offices and businesses surrounding it. It is also conveniently located for local parents and families running errands.
I don't know what office they work at but I started giggling when the IT department hit the store. I love how instantly recognizable they are. They might as well be dressed as nuns. Sure there are different levels within IT departments. The tech who spends hours working in a closet- not really trying to project anything to anyone, just be glad they've covered themselves. This type LOVES working alone, or in very select small group. Think Illuminati, but they spend all of their vast resources on Ebay rather than Holocaust hidden treasures.
The ones that you tend to see outside, sometimes even in daylight, are as full on geeky as the other ones- with one major difference- they can mingle with society hehe, work with others, you know- he knows many more TV show theme songs than he will EVER admit. You know who I mean- kind of wrinkled dockers, brown shoes that have so little character as to make them wholly forgettable. Probably a tucked in golf shirt, which may or may not have an embroidered logo on it, like the pants kind of wrinkled, but this one tends to look clean and maintained more. Beats me why, if you are like me, you are too busy noticing they always need a hair cut to admire the fact that they did laundry. Where am I going with this? I honestly don't know- please- tell me hehehe...
I don't know what office they work at but I started giggling when the IT department hit the store. I love how instantly recognizable they are. They might as well be dressed as nuns. Sure there are different levels within IT departments. The tech who spends hours working in a closet- not really trying to project anything to anyone, just be glad they've covered themselves. This type LOVES working alone, or in very select small group. Think Illuminati, but they spend all of their vast resources on Ebay rather than Holocaust hidden treasures.
The ones that you tend to see outside, sometimes even in daylight, are as full on geeky as the other ones- with one major difference- they can mingle with society hehe, work with others, you know- he knows many more TV show theme songs than he will EVER admit. You know who I mean- kind of wrinkled dockers, brown shoes that have so little character as to make them wholly forgettable. Probably a tucked in golf shirt, which may or may not have an embroidered logo on it, like the pants kind of wrinkled, but this one tends to look clean and maintained more. Beats me why, if you are like me, you are too busy noticing they always need a hair cut to admire the fact that they did laundry. Where am I going with this? I honestly don't know- please- tell me hehehe...
Eat it up NOLA
No matter where on the political map you might place yourself- there can be no denying that most small businesses in New Orleans have been going through Hell with little to no support. (Major run-on but hot shit!) That is why the news from www.nomenu.com is so wonderful. With the recent re-opening of the Camellia Grill- there are now 810 restaurants open in the New Orleans area. That number takes on added weight when you consider that on August 25, 2005 there were 809 on the list. How freaking great is that? Without, and in many cases despite, promised aid to small businesses (as someone who has helped close TWO SBA loans in 19 months- I can attest to the fact that they are a JOKE) there is still progress. Head on over to Tom Fitzmorris's site The New Orleans Menu for more interesting information and dining reviews!!
Simply Wonderful
As a tribute to another one of my heroes- another strong, beautiful woman I met in the 70's- I really need to psychoanalyze this shit someday! Despite loving the universe it is ostensibly based in- I am not a huge fan of the show "Smallville". sure the dude playing Clark is hot as hell, and they sprinkle enough guest characters to get this fanboy salivating- it's just fairly dull. I did watch last weeks episode though- solely to see the incredible Lynda Carter. I am not going to go into her role or any of that crap- but I did want to share the following quote from TV Guides interview with the icon. The prospect of a Wonder Woman movie has kept many a Wonderfan in Depends for years- the recent attempt at a successful production by Joss Whedon was particularly exciting as I became more familiar with his work. Pretty much the kiss of death apparently because it has fallen apart. I still have hope something spectacular can be done, as does Lynda:
“I really hope that it is a huge success, it needs to go forward. It needs new juice. But I hope they keep the integrity of the character, her goodness. She’s not just about superpowers,” Lynda said.
I just adore her!! And- judging from the picture below which was taken during her run as Mama Morton in the London stage version of "Chicago" so does Father Time!!!
25 years? Damn I look good for my age!!
25 years ago today this song was released and changed the face of pop music and culture right along with it! She may make me roll my eyes alot more than she used to- but I will never downplay the importance of her music in my life. There was a long period of time where my fan fervor rivaled that of most PLO members! Big ups Maddy!! Now can we please have the Detroit accent back? That faux British BS is fun from Tennessee born Tina Turner- but it's tired girl!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
These sounds fall into my mind (Inaugural edition)
Ok- so when I was googling Uncanny Alliance today- I came across the coolest blog. So what do I do when I love something? I make it mine!! Since I can't hijack the blog- I will do the "Loved it on BBC now let's put it on NBC" deal. Hopefully turns out like the job done on "The Office" more than that shitty spin on "Absolutely Fabulous"!!!
*The Rules* (in case you want to do it too!)
Step 1: Put your iTunes on random.
Step 2: Post lyrics from the first 10 songs that play.
Step 3: Post it on your blog & let everyone guess what song & artist the lyrics are from.
Step 4: When a song is guessed correctly, italicize the lyrics & post the title in bold.
Step 5: Looking the lyrics up on Google (or any other search engine) is cheating!!
So, if you know the song - leave your guess in a comment. If you’re right, I’ll post your name (or link). Enjoy!
Here we go:
1. I used to be a queen you know
On an island by the sea
With rainbow coloured people
Happy as can be
We never had a problem
There never was a care
the love was everflowing and it's feeling shared ...
2. Its all so confusing, this brutal abusing
They blacken your eyes, and then apologize
Youre daddys good girl, and dont tell mommy a thing
Be a good little boy, and youll get a new toy
Tell grandma you fell off the swing
3. Cause I don't kinda go for that messin' around
You be listening to my records' a number one sound
Step to the rhythm step step to the ride
I've got an open mind so why don't you all get inside
Tune in turn on to my tune that's live
4. And you thought it was only in movies
As you wish all your dreams would come true
It aint the first time believe me, baby
Im standin here feeling blue
Yeah Im blue
5. Makin’ it doin’ it 'specially at show
Feeling kinda high like a Hendrix haze
Music makes motion moves like a maze
All inside of me Dee-Lite "Groove is in the Heart" Tnt!
6. Rock! An' if you feel like clapping your hands go 'head!
An' if you feel like clicking your heels click your heels!
Were gonna rock you'll we're gonna have a good time
7. They put you in a home to fill in
But I wouldn't call that living
I'm like a boy among man
I'd like a permanent friend
8. always on the scene
good looks and more posessing all of me.
So when it starts to coming on
catch me getting in the mood
9. I watch you drinkin and I take my time,
I watch you drinkin all that cheap red wine, oh!
Ive got to see you naked baby,
Id like to think that sometime maybe,
Tonight my goals in sight, yeah!
10. TV antennas in the back
You may not have a car at all
But remember brothers and sisters
You can still stand tall
Just be thankful for what you've got
*The Rules* (in case you want to do it too!)
Step 1: Put your iTunes on random.
Step 2: Post lyrics from the first 10 songs that play.
Step 3: Post it on your blog & let everyone guess what song & artist the lyrics are from.
Step 4: When a song is guessed correctly, italicize the lyrics & post the title in bold.
Step 5: Looking the lyrics up on Google (or any other search engine) is cheating!!
So, if you know the song - leave your guess in a comment. If you’re right, I’ll post your name (or link). Enjoy!
Here we go:
1. I used to be a queen you know
On an island by the sea
With rainbow coloured people
Happy as can be
We never had a problem
There never was a care
the love was everflowing and it's feeling shared ...
2. Its all so confusing, this brutal abusing
They blacken your eyes, and then apologize
Youre daddys good girl, and dont tell mommy a thing
Be a good little boy, and youll get a new toy
Tell grandma you fell off the swing
3. Cause I don't kinda go for that messin' around
You be listening to my records' a number one sound
Step to the rhythm step step to the ride
I've got an open mind so why don't you all get inside
Tune in turn on to my tune that's live
4. And you thought it was only in movies
As you wish all your dreams would come true
It aint the first time believe me, baby
Im standin here feeling blue
Yeah Im blue
5. Makin’ it doin’ it 'specially at show
Feeling kinda high like a Hendrix haze
Music makes motion moves like a maze
All inside of me Dee-Lite "Groove is in the Heart" Tnt!
6. Rock! An' if you feel like clapping your hands go 'head!
An' if you feel like clicking your heels click your heels!
Were gonna rock you'll we're gonna have a good time
7. They put you in a home to fill in
But I wouldn't call that living
I'm like a boy among man
I'd like a permanent friend
8. always on the scene
good looks and more posessing all of me.
So when it starts to coming on
catch me getting in the mood
9. I watch you drinkin and I take my time,
I watch you drinkin all that cheap red wine, oh!
Ive got to see you naked baby,
Id like to think that sometime maybe,
Tonight my goals in sight, yeah!
10. TV antennas in the back
You may not have a car at all
But remember brothers and sisters
You can still stand tall
Just be thankful for what you've got
My idea for a reality show!!
After od'ing on the horrific "Being Bobby Brown" all weekend (well, just that kiss my ass clip of whitney's hehehe)- I have come up with my own idea for a kick ass reality show! Ready? You sure?

Each week watch the exploits of these three crazy kids as they stick it to the man- sometimes more than once!!!
Oh- and as Will wisely pointed out- we have nowhere near enough champagne- so send some now!
Each week watch the exploits of these three crazy kids as they stick it to the man- sometimes more than once!!!
Oh- and as Will wisely pointed out- we have nowhere near enough champagne- so send some now!
Yeah, so I have decided that those silly Xtians were on the right track, but as usual, messed up in the end. That whole "WWJD" thing- getting kids to stay the course by considering what Jesus would do in certain situations?! Um, how do I put this delicately? You want your children to be good by acting like your imaginary friend? Doesn't really make much sense to me either, but then again- I have a healthy relationship with reality. I mean, like I said- in theory they have a pretty good idea here. When not sure what to do- it's a good idea to think of cause and effect, different doorways, all of that jazz. Just make it a real person you think about- my nomination? Duh- Grace Jones! I DARE you to find a better one! And before you start emailing me - I used to think of Courtney Love- so she's out of the running! I mean- shite!!! Did you see those bikini pics? I really don't care what Courtney would do- as long as she would do it somewhere else!
Orgasmatron? Oh yes my friend- that's how I'm going out!
Oh my root- I swear she looks better than she did 30 years ago!! Jaclyn I mean- Farrah? Not so much hehe! While hunting for photos for this- I found the one below of Jaclyn and her kids- and all I can say is this- I am going to marry that son of hers!! He's fairly cute and that way I could stalk her but get some action from him!!! PERFECT!! Anywho- check out her site for much more information and tons of hot pictures- she truly is the most breathtaking woman I have ever seen! (Sorry Lynda!)
Can you believe that this is a picture of a 61 year old woman?!!! Best thing to ever come from Houston!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Happy Earth Day
Overheard in NOLA
I can't imagine what Sunday mornings would be like without Turner Classic Movies. TCM is as big a part of my weekend routine as the coffee. I generally have it on the first few hours that I am up on Sunday- much like the cartoon channels on Saturday. I was just watching a lovely tribute to Joan "Don't make me walk into that closet" Crawford by Ann Blyth. Ann Blyth was Joan's co-star in the Academy Award winning picture "Mildred Pierce". Joan won the Best Actress Oscar playing the title character- a woman who leaves her husband, becomes a successful business woman, and has to contend with her horrid bitch of a daughter Vida, played by Ann. It's a great film- full on heavy drama and those eyes of Joans!!! That woman could act rings around anyone just by moving her eyebrows!! This all reminds me of one of my favorite lines ever, certainly one of the best I have overheard in New Orleans hehe! I was working at Goodfriends for Halloween, and the place was packed. Everywhere you looked, everyone was loaded. There were drunken slutty nuns, witches, barely dressed angels and devils, you name it- the fags were festive. There was a group of men dressed as former First Ladies- wonderful, if not HOMELY dudes all! Much like in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" with the three girls that looked like Pat Benatar, there were half of dozen men who looked like Joan Crawford. A friend of mine stumbled out of the bathroom and proclaimed for all to hear- "I just got a blowjob from Mildred Pierce!" I think I actually started to pee right then. I know that I was definitely soiling my pants when a minute later this older gentlemen emerged from the shitter. Walking fairly steadily, he was straightening his wig- making sure the distinctive "Mildredesque" bangs were right. Big old shoulder pads that accentuated his sashay topped off the perfect outfit. If I had been a little more drunk, I would have sworn it WAS Mildred Pierce. The dirty girl hehehehe!!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The return of Lex Luger!
The real reason Imus got canned
HOMOPHOBIA! Yes, if you follow my "butterfly effect" logic- it was homophobia, and not racism that truly led to the firing of Imus! You see- if the powers that be in the LSU Athletics Department hadn't been so homophobic that they fired Women's Basketball Head Coach Pokey Chatman-

then the Lady Tigers would have surely beat the team from Rutgers.

This would have knocked the Rutgers team out of the finals- thereby preempting any conversation about them on the Imus in the Morning program! Makes sense in a HUGE "What if..." way doesn't it?!
then the Lady Tigers would have surely beat the team from Rutgers.
This would have knocked the Rutgers team out of the finals- thereby preempting any conversation about them on the Imus in the Morning program! Makes sense in a HUGE "What if..." way doesn't it?!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Overheard in Springfield
Marge's views on the Catholic Church are beautiful!!!! With all of the sitting, kneeling, and standing it's like "Simon Says with no winner"!!!!
Rare nod to GOP Senator
As a reasonably intelligent, caring, feeling person- I rarely find anything done by a member of the Republican party worth anything other than derision. That is why I am so happy to be able to laud one of them for their actions in DC. I am doubly pleased that it is a member of the Maine delegation to boot! I guess I should back pedal a bit. Both of Maine's senators are Republicans. Sen. Olympia Snowe and Sen. Susan Collins have each distinguished themselves from the trolls of the GOP as honest, able, and diligent public servants. Sen. Collins did a wonderful job leading the Katrina investigations- something I was thrilled to send a Thank You note for last year. And this morning I read an item on the fantastic Alternet.org website (I hit it several times a day and urge you to as well) regarding Sen. Snow. Apparently she is the third member of her party to back troop withdrawal from Iraq. She doesn't support the current Democratic resolution, but is instead sponsoring her own similar bill that would put a definite time line out there. To quote the article in the LA Times by Noam N. Levey and James Gerstenzang: Snowe is not backing a Senate Democratic plan approved last month that would require the president to begin withdrawing troops within 120 days and would set a nonbinding goal of complete withdrawal by March.
When I went to her website to get some more information about it- I read her recent vote for expanding stem cell research and was tickled! Honestly- I know that there are good Republican senators out there- the same that I know that there are very good non-molesting priests. I just get so bent out of shape by their loud asshole peers that I don't search them out. I guess in the interest of being fair and balanced- a new interest to me I might add hehehe- I wanted to take a few moments this day to raise a toast to Sen. Snowe. Keep on doing the right thing Olympia- you do this old Mainer proud!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
You best holla at ya bruh...that's all I'm sayin.
Now you know you have to pay respects to the king, kiss the pope's ring, kiss the madam's hand, and most importantly lower your head before the Don. Well today is Mr. Marion "Suge" Knight's 42nd birthday. Some way or some how- and this is just my advice- you might want to go out of your way to acknowledge this blessed event. I'm not suggesting that you attempt to make contact. Give me a break- even if I did find a way to get in touch with him- there is no way I ever want to be on that man's radar. He's frightening in mythic terms because of his REPORTED behavior. Can you imagine the shit he does that we DON'T hear about? I guess that is my fascination with him. Anywho- enjoy the scary but short video clip. Suge is shown dancing with a woman at a club. I say dancing because there is music playing, and they are moving, and the people around them are obviously dancing. If I were to use another word...well- the whole thing is simply disturbing. He appears to be getting ready to kill this woman, but hes moving to the music as IF he we dancing. Seriously, all it would take is someone who is good at changing the speed of videio and you could easily picture her death. He's got this stallion, alpha male hitting it looking smile on like he is fucking this beautiful woman and wanted everyone to know as he did it. She just has this blank expression, but also- moves right along to the music. I think that is what seperates this clip from a snuff film trailer- a lack of aggression. After seeing this all I can say is- I think I have found someone who scares me more than Suge. Cause if that chick has no problem with what he's doing- she is a scary bitch indeed!! Let me know what you think!
In today's Shower- A drunken fool, a Wonder Woman, and a disappointing dude
I was never one who made a fuss at bath time. No tears, bargaining, or whining when I was told to hit the showers. In fact more often than not the threats usually were along the lines of "Save some hot water for the rest of us!!" As both a hyper child and somewhat hyper adult- showers have always been a calm place for me. I can easily push a water heater to its limits.
When I first started drinking and learning how to really tie one on- I would often hop in the shower when the bed would start spinning. I remember one of the first times I was drunk around my parents. The entire family was sharing a vacation condo in the White Mountains. My parents, my sister along with her husband and young daughter, and my younger brother. It was a total outlet shopping retreat to New Hampshire- home of no sales tax shopping. After two days of mind numbing boredom, the prospect of a third sent this recent 21st birthday boy into every bar I could find. Sneaking away all afternoon and evening, I was fucked up like a lab rat by nightfall- so I came out of my little closet, admitted I was drinking and held court in the hotel lounge, tossing back Vodka Collins. My ex-brother in law was ordered to get me back upstairs. I was sharing the loft bedroom with both my brother and my parents- a perfect situation for uncontollable bedspins. I went downstairs and spent 45 minutes hurling in the shower before my father practically knocked down the door. As I got back into bed, my mother felt it the appropriate time to begin admonishing me. "You know, you are Irish, you should not drink those sugar drinks." "Shut the fuck up." Probably not the best response to your mom, but I was clearly not in any condition to argue. While it didn't ruin the vacation, it certainly made for several awkward moments hehe!
But I digress- I have often wished I could access my computer while in the shower. Or a pen and paper, dictation device, stenographer- whatever I could use to keep track of all of my thoughts and ideas. It just seems as though I have all kinds of brainstorms and breakthroughs that dissipate from memory as I dry off upon exiting. Almost like keeping a dream journal near the bed- I have decided to try to use my blog to capture some of those ideas.
This morning I was thinking about Wonder Woman. Again. I am really not going to dive into the subconscious shit about that. From the comic's relaunch last summer, up to last week's announcement of Gail Simone taking the reins- a number of very different writers have had the opportunity to give Diana voice. In addition to both Allan Heinberg, Will Pfiefer, and Jodi Piccoult in "Wonder Woman", there has been a story arc involving Wonder Woman in "Manhunter" written by Marc Andreyko (This is an incredible series- he has crafted a true gem here- buy it!), Dan Slott and Howard Chaykin both had arcs in "JLA Classified", and even Adam Beechen in "Justice League Unlimited" (this is the more kid friendly version of the group that was featured on the Cartoon Network series). ******Sidenote- Any chance I get I want to give props to Adam Beechen- his writing on "Robin" has breathed new life into both the series and the character, and he is slated to assume writing duties on my second favorite series "Teen Titans" in May!!!!******
Again I digress- my point is- with each different writer, there has been a different spin on the character. Sure they all have the basic core tenets of her down, but they add their own interpretations of her personality as well. For example in "Wonder Woman" #6, Jodi Piccoult portrayed Diana as having little to no knowledge of day to day life- to the extent that she was bewildered at a gas station. However, in "Manhunter" #30, Marc Andreyko has Diana tooling around L.A. in a Hummer! I love these different ways to look at a long beloved character, but there are many fans that get highly offended.
I started thinking about how everyone sees things their own way. How you could have four people witness the same event, and while they may recount a similar tale. Their testimony would certainly vary. I remember a funeral for a friend a few years ago. When his family spoke about him during the service- friends and I couldn't help but giggle. He was a wonderful person, a great friend, but not the saint being eulogized! We couldn't help but whisper various anecdotes about his more "adult adventures" and felt said that his family didn't know the real man. After the service, with several spirit lifting cocktails in them, various family members opened up and told tales of growing up with my friend. And I realized that although they didn't hear about the two hookers in Quebec, or the keg roll for my 20th birthday- they did know him. They might have focussed on other parts of his personality than we did, but they did still know him.
As in all good showers my mind began to drift to more recent, pressing events and processing them. I am coming off a tiny roller coaster of my own creation in what is probably the least satisfying part of my life. A successful relationship or dating life has always been elusive to me. Whenever I meet someone new I dread the inevitable "So why are you single" question. I don't so much hate answering, when you are single at 35 you have the standard "I'm just not lucky", "Haven't me the right guy" or even "I'm no cakewalk" at your disposal for a quick reply. But the question always starts the voices in my head to nagging. Why are you still single? Why haven't you met the right guy? What are you doing about that? What's wrong with you? That kind of shit. Recently, I met a guy who seemed as interested in me as I was in him. Initial flirting led to a few really good conversations, so my hopes began to rise. In fact, they rose so high, they became blind spots. After a few very disappointing aborted dates, he came clean about himself. He had a pretty valid explanation for his behavior, and I applauded his honesty. In hindsight, I should have accepted that as a conclusion, and moved on. Instead, I allowed myself to continue things despite agreeing that the timing was all wrong. After one great date, I pretty much ignored all that I had learned. Apparently I can give good advice but have absolutely no use for it myself. He went right back to telling me what I needed to hear and ultimately disappointing me again. After the initial hurt feelings, I am ready to accept full responsiblity.
I am writing this without many details for two reasons. First of all, I am not here to trash someone. I don't feel as though names and specifics would do much more than level blame. Like in the Destiny's Child song "Survivor":
I'm not gonna compromise my Christianity,
(I'm better than that)
You know I'm not gonna diss you on the Internet
Cause my momma told me better than that.
Secondly, I want to remember to use this as an example to pay attention to all red flags. I don't want to keep repeating the same unsuccessful patterns in my life. I think the definition of insanity includes repeating the same actions and expecting different results. In order to make sure that I don't just chalk it up to this particular dude or experience, I have kept it vague. That way I can see how it might apply to other situations.
So that is an impression of the mental talk show in my head during today's shower. I sign off with the goal of sharing more episodes and archiving my thoughts. I can't think of a catchy title for these entries, but once I do I will add it. However, I have decided to use the picture above as the "logo" for the round table discussions. If you don't recognize, it's a still from "Psycho"- and below are the Saul Bass storyboards for that historic scene! Thought it was cool- enjoy!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Dick Cheney travels inside an Airstream trailer- which is inside an airplane, and airplane name "The Spirit of Strom Thurmond"- for real
I swear, if he wasn't in such a powerful position, Mr. Cheney would be one of my favorite people. Of course, in a "Holy Fuck- get a load of this crazy bastard now" kind of way. The bunker, the hunting accident, and revelations like the one at The Poor Man make me think that I am not reading the news, its just another comic book. He is like SuperEvil- almost as though some dark society had distilled the dastardly essence of histories most infamous dudes and made a DNA milkshake, impregnated some poor Mia Farrow-esque maiden and groomed Rosemary's baby to be the public face for their world domination plot. I can totally see the circle jerk in the Astral Locker Room- Goebbels, Stalin, Pol Pot, Rasputin, Mr. Burns, Simon Barsinister, Attila the Hun, Vlad the Impaler, etc- all jacking into the waiting mouth of Caligula. There really doesn't seem to be much of any other way to explain his origin hehe!
Today's the day!
I am going to have a very hard time staying on task today! I am jetting out of the office at the first possible moment this afternoon. Bee-line straight to More Fun Comics! If I don't get into an accident on the way there, it will take my last bit of self control to get home in one piece. With issue 50 of "52" coming out today- World War III erupts in the DC Universe! The picture with the army of heroes honing in on Black Adam certainly hints at some major action. Being released as well are four special issues that get into the meat of the war and how it effects specific heroes. Just under a year ago, at the end of "Infinite Crisis" all DC titles jumped one year ahead in time. "52" has been telling the story of that missing year- hinting at the cataclysmic event that sparked the jump. While I have not been terribly thrilled with many of the One Year Later titles- I have totally enjoyed "52". I am anxious to read the conclusion, but know in no way are all loose ends going to be tied up. A few weeks back I entered a post when they first announced the next weekly coming out of DC. "Countdown" is shaping up to be another thrill ride that ricochets throughout the DCU. If they can keep the momentum for another weekly series it will indeed continue my weekly mad dash on Wednesdays!! I will update with my thoughts this evening!!
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