TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

GREAT song- TRAGIC video

"She's Gone" by Hall & Oates is one of my favorite pop/soul/rock/r&b songs of all time. The smooth harmonies they are famous for just lend to my ear in this one big time- one of the few of their songs that John Oates (the brunette) handles lead vocals on, and does it well. So why such a horrible video? I know it was early in the days of actually making videos, being released in 1973- but shit- Darryl Hall looks pre-op, and John Oates looks post-op- if the op in his case is a lobotomy. And what's with the clown dressed as the devil that walks by when they say "I'd pay the Devil to replace her..."?! It's like it was directed by a first grade class- who phoned it in!!! You be the judge- and then watch how it should be shown in the cover by Tavares!!

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