TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Since it is almost Valentines Day...

Despite the fact that I only had a boyfriend on Valentines Day once in my life (who totally dropped the ball romance wise), I have always loved February 14th. Not for the lovey dovey shite, but for the best present I ever received- my lovely niece Meghan was born on February 14, 1993! Which, for all of you mathematicians out there, means that my darling Meg is going to be 15 tomorrow! I can't even begin to tell you how freaked out I am that she is freaking 15!!! And my fragile state of mind and age complex is nothing compared to my sisters! Turns out that for Meg's B-day present- she is going to Driver's Ed!!!! In honor of my sister- or more like out of deference to her- I will not be dedicating any Sammy Hagar tunes, but rather my favorite song to mention driving. There are several note worthy versions of this song- but in my humble opinion- Cyndi own's it- sorry Roy and Celine- but you all have other landmarks!!

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