TCM 31 Days - Day O Ram

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

This is totally my read of the week 4/4/07

When the wonderful Brian K. Vaughan announced he was leaving The Runaways- a book he kicked off 24 issues ago- I was not too stoked. The Runaways quickly became one of my favorite titles. I am not going to use this space to rain praise upon his crafting of a wholly unique read- although totally deserved, this is to trumpet the new era for this title.

Aside from mildly enjoying Firefly a few years back, I was pretty new to Joss Whedon until fairly recently. Over the past month or so, I have been immersing myself in his work. I have just finished my first viewing of Buffy/Season One. I am definitely looking forward to Netflix sending Season Two. I am also totally digging the Buffy comic that he is writing as "Season Eight" for the cancelled series. Issue 2 was released today as well, and I totally recommend that as well.

God- he soooooo gets these kids! Their voices are dead on. Their interaction and characterization are perfect extensions from Vaughan's work and vision. Screw last week's flashback episode- this is a perfect jump on for new readers. While not getting the nitty gritty of what has brought them to this point- you don't need to have read a single issue to be thoroughly entertained, engrossed, and hooked.

Favorite line (so far- I did just read it once before tossing my two cents): Kingpin "I dislike semantics." Chase "Well neither does Mel Gibson." HEHEHEHEHE

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